Corporate culture


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• The course provides a comprehensive view of corporate culture and its individual components, the role of corporate culture in supporting the performance and competitiveness of the enterprise, including the possibilities of its change.
• understand corporate culture and it's connection to business success,
• assess the appropriateness of corporate culture to the needs of the business,
• use knowledge effectively to ensure that the culture of the enterprise is linked to its HR functions,
• identify the scope for change in corporate culture and propose a model for its implementation,
• understand the relationship between national and corporate culture.
• identify the elements of corporate culture in a particular enterprise,
• diagnose the type of corporate culture,
• evaluate the relationship between culture and corporate identity and their impact on corporate image and propose measures in this area,
• propose solutions to intercultural situations.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of seminars:
1. The concept of culture as a basis for the formation of corporate culture
2. Corporate culture
3. Typologies of corporate culture
4. Diagnostics of corporate culture
5. Opportunities to change corporate culture
6. Corporate culture and human resource management
7. Corporate culture and corporate image
8. Impact of corporate culture on business performance
9. Relationship between corporate and national culture
10. Corporate cultures in the European area
11. Corporate cultures in the non-European area
12. The impact of corporate culture on management processes in the selected enterprise.
13. Presentation of student projects.

Support literature

1. HOFSTEDE, G. 2010. Cultures and Organizations. Software of the Mind. Intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival. London : McGraw-Hill, 2010. 549 p. ISBN 978-0-07-166418-9.
2. SCHEIN, Edgar. Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco : Jossey Bass Publishers, 1992. 457 s. ISBN 0-7879-4699-0.
3. ALVESSON, Mats – SVENINGSSON, Stefan. Changing Organizational Culture. New York : Routledge, 2008. 194 s. ISBN 0-203-93596-9.


Thematic definition of seminars: 1. The concept of culture as a basis for the formation of corporate culture Definition of the concept of culture, its elements and features. Normative and descriptive approaches to the concept of culture. Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Approaches to the study of culture (anthropological, sociological, psychological). Levels of culture. Subcultures. The emergence and development of corporate culture. Elements, levels and content of corporate culture. Different theoretical approaches in the definition of corporate culture, its sources and internal structure. 2. Corporate culture Defining the concept of corporate culture. The emergence and development of corporate culture. Interpretive and objectivist concepts of corporate culture. Elements, levels and content of corporate culture. Different theoretical approaches in the definition of corporate culture, its sources and internal structure. Model of corporate culture according to E. Schein. Definition of artefacts of material and immaterial nature, norms and values, basic assumptions. Sources of corporate culture. Functions of corporate culture. Corporate culture and the life cycle of the enterprise. 3. Typologies of corporate culture The meaning of typologies, selected approaches to the typology of corporate culture (classificatory, comparative, metric). Development of typologies, theoretical and empirical approaches. General and specific typologies of corporate culture. Types of corporate cultures in relation to organisational culture, environment and corporate behaviour. Content of selected typologies of corporate culture and their use. Specific typologies of corporate culture according to tools of control, approach to errors and evaluation. Limitations of corporate culture typologies. 4. Diagnostics of corporate culture Diagnostics of corporate culture as a basis for its formation. Quantitative and qualitative approaches to cognition of corporate culture. Methods of diagnostics, their advantages and limitations. Typological and profile questionnaires for the diagnosis of corporate culture, multidimensional analysis. OCAI - Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument. Procedure for diagnosing corporate culture. Organisational metaphors. Perception of corporate culture through metaphors, working with them in the process of culture change. The enterprise as machine, organism, brain, political system and flow. 5. Opportunities to change corporate culture The need for change in corporate culture, approaches to change. Types of culture change and their implementation. Selected models of corporate culture change (D. Ulrich, K. Lewin). Prerequisites for successful culture change. Understanding and communicating culture change, alternative approaches to change, action plan. HR professionals as agents of culture change in the company. Employees' reaction to the change of company culture and risks of this change. The process of shaping a desirable corporate culture. 6. Corporate culture and human resource management The interrelationship between corporate culture and the various functions of human resource management. The impact of corporate culture on job characteristics. Presentation of corporate culture in the recruitment process, its impact on the employer brand. Selection of candidates with similar value orientation, transfer of elements of corporate culture into the consciousness of employees in the framework of training. Compliance of performance appraisal standards with the requirements of culture, reward system as a tool to promote corporate culture. The role of HR managers in the formation and management of corporate culture. 7. Corporate culture and corporate image Interrelationship of the concepts of culture, identity and corporate image. Definition of the concept of corporate identity, approaches to its definition (ex post and ex ante) and its evolution. Functions of corporate identity. Components of corporate identity and means of its formation. The importance of corporate identity in corporate governance. Corporate identity and corporate social responsibility. Corporate image and its dimensions. Profiles and characteristics of generations of employees and their consideration in the process of creating corporate identity and corporate image. 8. Impact of corporate culture on business performance Theoretical models of corporate culture in relation to business performance (quantitative and qualitative studies). Characteristics of corporate culture, determining the performance of the enterprise. The strength and content of corporate culture. Adaptability of culture and its strategic appropriateness. Conflict of corporate culture with strategy. Participativeness as a determinant of performance. Corporate culture as a barrier to performance. Culture clash and its impact on corporate performance. 9. Relationship between corporate and national culture Cultural standards and their role in learning about national cultures. Dimensions of national culture and their definition according to selected authors. Hofstede's model of diagnosis of national culture. The impact of national culture on corporate governance. National culture and corporate culture in international enterprises. The emergence of intercultural situations and the possibilities of their resolution. Types of regulation in problematic intercultural situations. 10. Corporate cultures in the European area Theoretical definition of cultural standards. Cultural standards of individual European cultures and their historical and political background. National cultures in the Central European area (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary). Eastern European cultural standards (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus). German and Austrian cultural circle. French and English cultural standards. 11. Corporate cultures in the non-European area Cultural standards of selected non-European cultures and their historical and political background. National cultures of Latin American countries (Mexico, Argentina) and North American countries (USA, Canada). Asian cultural standards (Indonesia, India). Impact of national cultures on international cooperation. National cultures and processes of globalisation. 12. The impact of corporate culture on management processes in the selected enterprise. Identification and analysis of the corporate culture of the selected enterprise. Presentation of the corporate culture of a specific company, made by an invited HR manager of the selected company.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % continuous work on the project and its presentation, 60 % combined examination

Student workload

78 h (attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 13 h, project processing 13 h, exam preparation 26 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022