Methodology of Academic Work (in English)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• The student will master the basic principles of academic work, the creation of a methodological procedure (research design), the application of selected logical and empirical methods. The knowledge includes the procedures of conducting a literature search, the correctness of citation and the formulation of extended references as well as the observance of the principles of scientific purity and ethics. In the above context, the student is provided with various administrative tools that can be used to simplify and present academic work in a clearer form.
• the ability to identify critical sources of data in the processing of a literature search, depending on the type of text being processed, the scope and depth of the argument;
• the ability of induction and deduction in the interpretation, analysis and synthesis of knowledge;
• the ability to apply selected supporting tools of software products to complete the formal appearance of documents and to present summarised knowledge.
• can recognize types of information sources and critically filter dubious information sources (fake news, fake journals);
• can distinguish and appropriately deploy selected logical and empirical methods in transforming data into knowledge;
• is able to prepare analytical documents on the selected issue - in form and content corresponding to the requirements of the client or the audience.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
Weeks 1 and 2 - Definition of basic concepts.
Week 3 - Presentation of the most commonly produced academic and qualifying theses.
Weeks 4 and 5 - Basic sources of data retrieval.
Week 6 - Research design.
Weeks 7 and 8 - Basic methods applied in academic work.
Week 9 - MS Word - styles in documents.
Week 10 - MS Word - sections and references in documents.
Week 11 - MS Word - editing a large document.
Weeks 12 and 13 - MS Word - citations and bibliography, document revision.

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. Interná smernica o záverečných, rigoróznych a habilitačných prácach, vrátane všetkých príloh. (
Supplementary literature:
1. GOURNELOS, Ted. Doing Academic Research: A Practical Guide to Research Methods and Analysis. London : Routledge, 2019. 208 s. ISBN 978-0367207939.
2. SCHWEIKER, William – WITTE, John – WELKER, Michael – PICKARD, Stephen. The Impact of Academic Research: on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies. Berlin : Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2021. 280 s. ISBN 978-3374068036.
3. WALLIMAN, Nicholas. Research Methods: The Basics. 2nd edition. London : Routledge, 2017. 246 s. ISBN 978-1138693999.


1. Definition of basic terms and differences - academic work versus scientific work. Explanation of some paired terms - science and practice; research and development; thesis and hypothesis; qualitative and quantitative research; basic and applied research. The main types of academic papers. 2. The emergence of theory and its relevance to economics and management - definition of theory; qualitative criteria of theory; basic components of theory; other aspects of theory. How to work with theory? Main theoretical directions in economics and management. 3 Introduction to statistics, basic descriptive statistics 1. Data and variables - basic concepts; variable and its types; data matrix. Nominal variables - statistical description of nominal variables; frequency table for nominal variables; graph for nominal variables; mutability of nominal variables. 4. Introduction to statistics, basic descriptive statistics 2. Ordinal variables - statistical description of ordinal variables; frequency table for ordinal variables; box plot. Cardinal variables - statistical description of cardinal variables; arithmetic mean; histogram; measures of absolute variability; measures of relative variability. 5. Fundamentals of generalization in statistics - introduction to sampling logic; sampling; types of sampling procedures; parameters of the base and sample sets; normal distribution; standardized normal distribution model. Theory of statistical estimation. 6. How to do a good literature search? Activities prior to conducting a literature search. Activities during a literature search. Activities after the literary research. Formulating the research question. 7. Statistical testing - analogy of testing and judgment process (decision options, types of errors, formulation of hypotheses, generalization of decision); analytical procedures - basic tasks, t-tests, correlations. 8. How to process and formalize an academic paper? Internal guideline No. 8/2021 on thesis, rigor and habilitation. Citation - ways of recording citations. Good and bad examples of citation practice. 9. How to prepare abstract materials? Basic elements of an abstract. Forms of abstracts according to the type of academic output. Good and bad examples of practice. 10. MS Word - styles in documents. Working with a large document in MS Word - styles (creating a new style, editing a style, linking numbering to a style, template). Heading styles, text styles, styles for other objects in the document. 11. MS Word - sections and references in documents. Working with a large document in MS Word environment - creating sections in a document, working with sections in a document, different settings in sections. References in a document - use of descriptions and cross references in a document, footnotes. 12. MS Word - editing a large document - editing a large document following the guidelines in the EU Directive. Working with references - creating a table of contents (inserting, editing, updating), list of figures, graphs and tables. 13. MS Word - citations and bibliography, document revision. Working with citations and bibliography in MS Word environment. Document review and assessment - proofreading, commenting, tracking changes, comparing documents, document security. Creating citations in Google Scholar.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % elaboration of a written project on the defined topic, 60 % written examination

Student workload

78 h (attendance at lectures 26 h, elaboration of a written project 26 h, preparation for exam 26 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 08.05.2022