Information Technology Management
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Business Management
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• A comprehensive view of the IT infrastructure in the enterprise in relation to IT management processes implemented at individual levels of the enterprise in order to achieve strategic alignment of the IT area with the implemented business activities, taking into account the possibility of applying conceptual frameworks in the field of IT management based on standards or ISO standards for this area.
• understand the IT infrastructure of the enterprise in the context of the existing IT management system and the changing requirements responding to developments in the IT field, which fundamentally affect the IT management concepts used,
• apply IT management best practices contained in IT management standards and ISO norms in order to achieve alignment of IT with business activities,
• critically evaluate the effectiveness of implemented IT projects, used IT components and processes in the field of IT management in the short and long term as well as in terms of the benefits of this area to the achievement of established corporate objectives and the implementation of corporate strategy,
• identify development trends in type application software,
• understand the philosophy behind standardised frameworks and standards used in IT management,
• apply recommended practices for the implementation of IT management processes,
• evaluate the effectiveness of IT projects and the efficiency of IT operations,
• generate master and movement data in an ERP system,
• work with accounting documents in the ERP system,
• independently implement complex financial, logistical, personnel transactions in the ERP system,
• create reports and partial and aggregated reports for individual corporate activities and corporate structures.
Indicative content
Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Information technology and information systems in global contemporary business
2. IT infrastructure and new technologies, stages and drivers of IT infrastructure development, components of IT infrastructure
3. IT development trends related to economics, management and organization of the enterprise
4. IT Governance and IT Management
5. Core areas of IT Governance processes (according to COBIT)
6. System integration
7. Methodology of multidimensional IS/IT development
8. Methodology of multidimensional IS/IT management and development
9. Information systems, organisations and strategy
10. Standards and norms in the field of IT Governance and IT Management
11. IS/IT outsourcing
12. IS/IT efficiency
13. IS/IT audit
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Information technology in contemporary global business
2. Relationship between business processes and IT
3. The use of IS by different areas of the business and by different management groups and how they can be used to improve the performance of the organisation
4. Master data of the Logistics module with a focus on suppliers
5. Logistics module master data with a focus on customers
6. Asset, material procurement process (functionality in the Logistics modules)
7. Asset, material acquisition process (functionality in the area of financial modules)
8. Complex case study (modules in the logistics area)
9. Complex case study (modules in the financial area)
10. HR processes and their implementation in IS SAP R/3 environment
11. Case studies focused on the use of IT in the implementation of business processes
12. Case studies focused on IT management in business practice
13. Developments in SAP information systems
Support literature
Basic literature:
1. LAUDON, Kenneth C. – LAUDON Jane Price. Management information systems : managing the digital firm. Fourteenth edition, global e. Boston : Pearson, 2016. 670 s. ISBN 9781292094007.
2. VOŘÍŠEK, Jiří. Principy a modely řízení podnikové informatiky. Praha : Oeconomica, 2008. 328 s. ISBN 978-80-245-1440-6.
3. ROMANOVÁ, Anita -– KOKLES, Mojmír –ROMANOVÁ, Terézia. Riadenie IT služieb v kontexte IT Governance. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019. 143 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4639-3.
4. ROMANOVÁ, Anita. Manažment informačných systémov. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2007. 143 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2321-9.
5. KOKLES, Mojmír - ROMANOVÁ, Anita. Informačný systém podniku. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2007. 183 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2286-1.
Supplementary literature:
1. BRADFORD, Marianne. Modern ERP: select, implement, and use today's advanced business systems. Raleigh :, 2015. 266 s. ISBN 978-1-312-66598-9.
2. GILALA, Godspower. Financial Accounting in Maritime with SAP FI/CO: SAP Consultant, STEP 1 with Certificate. Volume 1. Scotts Valley : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017. 84 s. ISBN 978-1-9792-3572-3.
3. MURRAY, Martin – KIMMATKAR, Sanil. Warehouse Management with SAP ERP: Functionality and Technical Configuration. Quincy : SAP PRESS, 2016. 666 s. ISBN 9781493213634.
4. OKUNGBOWA, Andrew. SAP ERP Financial Accounting and Controlling. Configuration and Use Management. New York : Apress, 2015. 596 s. ISBN 978-1-4842-0717-8.
5. SCHULZ, Olaf. Using SAP An Introduction for Beginners and Business Users. Quincy : SAP PRESS, 2017. 389 s. ISBN 1493214047.
6. MOLNÁR, Zdeněk. Efektivnost informačních systémů. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2000. 185 s. ISBN 80-7169-410-X.
Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Information technology and information systems in global contemporary business. Application software, typical application solutions and their use in business practice. Enterprise application market with a focus on SAP R/3 solutions - development stages, module structure, industry solutions, process approach and process maps. SAP S/4 Hana. 2. IT infrastructure and new technologies, stages and drivers of IT infrastructure development, components of IT infrastructure. Application software development trends. 3. IT development trends related to economics, management and organization of the enterprise. Development trends in IT organisation and management. Challenges in IT infrastructure management, and management solutions. Ethical and social issues in enterprise IT solutions. 4. IT Governance and IT Management - basic definition and differences. IT Governance - structures, processes, control frameworks. Areas of focus for IT Governance - strategic alignment, risk management, resource management, value creation, performance management. 5. Core areas of IT Governance processes (according to COBIT) - alignment, planning and organising; building, sourcing and executing; delivery, service and support; monitoring, evaluation and assessment. 6. System integration - objectives, principles, effects, risks. Developmental stages of systems integration. Levels of system integration. Integration of IS/IT with business objectives and integration of IS/IT components. System integrator. 7. Methodology of multidimensional IS/IT development - user and problem solver perspectives. Solution dimensions - IS/IT development phases (IS/IT project life cycle), content and methodological and organizational dimensions. 8. Methodology of multidimensional IS/IT management and development - principles and models: business process management model, enterprise IS/IT management model, system integration model, IS/IT creation and further development model, enterprise information process management model (integrated IS/IT management system). 9. Information systems, organisations and strategy. Information strategy of the enterprise - conceptual model of creation of information strategy, structure of information strategy document. 10. Standards and norms in the field of IT Governance and IT Management - COBIT, ITIL v4 (IT Infrastructure Library), ISO/IEC 38500 International Standard for Corporate Governance of IT, ISO/IEC 20000 International Standard for IT Service Management. 11. IS/IT outsourcing - reasons for IS/IT outsourcing decisions, evolution of IS/IT outsourcing, taxonomy of models and methods of outsourcing decisions, partial or complex IS/IT outsourcing, IS/IT outsourcing project life cycle, stakeholders and IS/IT outsourcing decision criteria. 12. IS/IT efficiency. IS/IT expenditure - time, type and application considerations. Expenditure on outsourcing and in-house development. Benefits of IS/IT - financial, non-financial, measurable, non-measurable, etc. Benefit indicators, process of hardening non-measurable indicators into measurable ones. 13. IS/IT audit - specifics, approaches and aspects of IS/IT audit. IS/IT audit standards and methodologies. Types of IS/IT audit - IS/IT unit audit (links between enterprise strategy and IS/IT strategy, IS/IT unit policies and procedures, organisational structures at enterprise and IS/IT unit level, automated tools to support IS/IT management), IS/IT outsourcing audit, IS/IT operations audit (processes and services, elements of operations, life cycle stages of elements of operations). Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Information technology in contemporary global business. The impact of IT on business and its importance for the implementation of business processes and business management. Application of individual topics on the example of SAP R/3 solution in individual functional areas of the enterprise and specific business processes. SAP R/3 user environment, solution architecture, organizational structures, basic principles of business scenario and its elements. 2. Relationship between business processes and IT. Management, organisational and technological components of IS as complementary assets necessary to ensure that information systems provide real value to organisations. Categories of data in SAP R/3 IS - master and movement data. Transactions with master data. 3. The use of IS by different areas of the business and by different management groups and how they can be used to improve the performance of the organisation. Support for document flow processes in the system. Methods of working with accounting documents in SAP R/3. Financial accounting. Mandatory parameters and the procedure of their entry. 4. Master data of the Logistics module with a focus on suppliers. Functionality of the Logistics and Financial Accounting modules in the Suppliers section with emphasis on creating master records, documents and links to other module transactions. 5. Logistics module master data with a focus on customers. Functionality of the Logistics and Financial Accounting modules in the Customers section with emphasis on creating master records, documents and links to other module transactions. 6. Asset, material procurement process (functionality in the Logistics modules) - solution of a complex business process in the IS SAP R/3 system, using several modules, with a focus on the process of capital asset procurement. 7. Asset, material acquisition process (functionality in the area of financial modules) - solution of the second part of the process of acquisition of fixed assets focused on transactions covering financial processes. Development of a process diagram consisting of transactions of modules from the logistics and financial area. 8. Complex case study (modules in the logistics area) - implementation of a complex case study focused on supplier relationships in IS SAP R/3. Design of a process diagram consisting of transactions in modules from the logistics and financial area. 9. Complex case study (modules in the financial area) - Implementation of a complex case study focused on transactions in the financial area in IS SAP R/3 (financial part). Creation of print reports. 10. HR processes and their implementation in IS SAP R/3 environment. Structure of the module, object concept of the module, system of organizing personnel data. Case study focused on working with personnel master data with emphasis on infotypes and their interconnection. Implementation of personnel measures. 11. Case studies focused on the use of IT in the implementation of business processes - case studies from individual areas of the enterprise. 12. Case studies focused on IT management in business practice. Presentations of case studies and students' seminar papers. 13. Developments in SAP information systems - data processing, in-memory processes, key benefits of in-memory technology, SAP Hana in-memory database, in-memory in data management and big data. Continuous assessment - verification of knowledge and skills acquired during the semester.
Requirements to complete the course
15 % continuous written work, 15 % presentation of seminar work, 70 % written examination
Student workload
156 h (attendance at lectures 26 h, attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation for continuous written work 15 h, preparation for seminar work 10 h, preparation for examination 53 h)
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 11.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 11.03.2025