Practical internship


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the internship is to become familiar with the working environment, apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice, and acquire new skills important in the working environment. The internship is intended to prepare the student according to the graduate profile for his/her work after graduation.
- verification and application of the theoretical knowledge from the Master's degree and acquisition of new knowledge resulting from the conditions and needs of the market.
- gain work habits, interdisciplinary experience,
- become familiar with working standards, company work principles, safety measures,
- get to know the business environment of the selected area,
- become familiar with the documentation and work reports.
- Identification and application of knowledge in solving specific problems and work tasks,
- application of intercultural competencies in practice,
- linking the acquired knowledge to the specific assignment of the final thesis.
- the ability to define a work problem or work task,
- the ability to propose a possible solution, explain the procedure and the reasons,
- learn to work in a heterogeneous team,
- acquire work habits,
- learn to take responsibility,
- test practical skills on a specific assignment,
- learn about the business or social environment of the chosen business or social area.

Indicative content

Indicative content:
Professional training is focused on the performance of students' professional experience realized in one or more forms: work in an interdisciplinary team/start-up company, work in a contractual enterprise under the supervision of a mentor, other form after agreement with the supervisor. Before the start of the internship, the student will establish the intention, goals, expected activities and timetable for the internship. The activities within the scopeof the professional training can be carried out throughout the calendar year, while it is necessary to comply with the minimum extent. The student shall keep a record of the professional training and appropriate documentation, which shall be submitted for credit as part of the student's own professional experience project.

Support literature

Literary sources according to the focus of the student's individual activity in the course of the professional training.

Requirements to complete the course

In order to receive credit, the student must complete a practical internship in the selected company in the extent of 26 hours per semester
Total study load (in hours):
Full-time study: 156 hours. Of which:
26 hours – participation in the internship
26 hours – preparation for the internship
32 hours – laboration of the plan, objectives, timetable
72 hours – preparation of documents for obtaining credits

Student workload

Total study load (in hours):
Full-time study: 156 hours. Of which:
26 hours – participation in the internship
26 hours – preparation for the internship
32 hours – laboration of the plan, objectives, timetable
72 hours – preparation of documents for obtaining credits

Date of approval: 10.05.2023

Date of the latest change: 23.05.2022