Creative writing in French


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• Students gain basic knowledge about conditions of work in media and editorial practice, about the necessity of protection of intellectual property and copyright and will gain an overview of issues and application problems of concluding a contract for work and a license agreement. By completing this course, they will understand the creative principles of text creation and know how to apply the acquired knowledge in their own creative activity and compose texts in various literary and non-literary genres.
• developing and deepening the student's language and text-creating competence - during the semester, students practise different writing techniques and techniques encouraging creativity and individual style;
• analysing texts, identification and elimination of formal and stylistic mistakes.
• acquiring practical skills by means of simulating conditions in editorial practice;
• writing texts of different genres;
• application of authors’ strategies in order to fulfil the communicative function of the text with respect to different target groups of readers.

Indicative content

- Creativity and integration as prerequisites for creative activity
- Theory and practice of composing texts in different literary and non-literary genres
- Methods of journalistic work
- Commercialization of media – current challenges
- Intellectual property, copyright protection, license agreement, contract for work
- Editor – proofreader – redactor – requirements and competences

Support literature

1. CHAILLEY, Ségolène. La fabrique des histoires. 65 ateliers d’écriture pour devenir auteur. 2e édition. Paris: Ellipses, 2017. 210 pp. ISBN 978-2-340-01747-4.
2. DI BELLA, David. L’écriture créative. La magie de l’atelier d’écriture. Passerelle pour l’imaginaire. Paris: Ellipses, 2020. 284 pp. ISBN 978-2-340-04129-5.
3. SPICHER,Anne. Bien écrire, bien rédiger en 40 fiches. 2e édition. Paris: Ellipses, 2021. 192 pp. ISBN 978-2-340-05715-9.
4. STACHAK, Faly. Écrire. Un plaisir à la portée de tous. 450 techniques d’écriture créative. 2e édition. Paris: Eyrolles, 2019. 424 pp. ISBN 978-2-212-57263-6.
1. CARPENIER, Josette. L’écriture créative. 80 exercices pour libérer sa plume et oser écrire. Paris: Eyrolles, 2009. 121 pp. ISBN 978-2-212-54517-3.
2. LAMBERT, Jean. Perfectionner son expression. Paris: Ellipses, 2015. 310 pp. ISBN 978-2-340-00510-5.
3. MANDERA, Valérie. L’art du mot juste. 250 expressions pour enrichir son vocabulaire. Paris: Points, 2016. 156 pp. ISBN 978-2-7578-5790-8.
4. OLIVIER, Pierre. Ateliers d’écriture créative. Paris: ESF, 2020. 127 pp. ISBN 978-2-8104-2941-7.
5. SPICHER, Anne. Savoir rédiger. Les techniques pour écrire avec clarté et efficacité. 3e édition. Paris: Ellipses, 2021. 260 pp. ISBN 978-2-340-05719-7.

Requirements to complete the course

Interim evaluation: 40%
Final evaluation: 60%

Student workload

Full-time study: 104 hours. Of which:
26 hours – attendance at seminars
48 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
30 hours – preparation for the final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 16.05.2022