Translation of specialized texts in French
- Credits: 5
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 4C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Applied Languages
Included in study programs
Teaching results
- understanding, acquiring, and mastering extended methodological principles of translation from English into Slovak and vice versa and implementing them in practice.
- acquiring a vast knowledge of working with the source and target language through text analysis and transforming the source into the target language with its structure and lexicon.
- building on translations´ basic knowledge and methodology of translation, acquired at the bachelor's degree with a focus on translation from Slovak into English and vice versa.
- the ability to properly analyze the original and correctly translate it into the target text at an adequate linguistic and stylistic level.
Indicative content
- Superstructure principles of translation from Slovak into French and vice versa
- Translation techniques from Slovak to French and from French to Slovak
- Analysis of the original
- Transformation of the author's ideas into the target text
- Types of translations
- Analysis and translation of more complex institutional, legal and economic texts
Support literature
1. HASONOVÁ, Johana a kol. Odborný preklad 2. Bratislava: AnaPress, 2006. ISBN 80-89137-24-5.
2. LEMAIRE, Claire. Traductologie et traduction outillée: du traducteur spécialisé professionnel à l’expert métier en entreprise. Grenoble: Université Grenoble Alpes, 2017.
3. ROMÁN, Verónica. Être traducteur économique et financier aujourd’hui: défis et avantages. In: Open Edition Journals. 227, 2012. [on line]. Dostupné na internete:
1. DOPJEROVÁ-DANTHINE, Mária. Francúzske idiómy pod lupou. Bratislava: Remedium, 2006. 331 s. ISBN 80-89230-10-5.
2. KIDLESOVÁ, Zora - PRIESOLOVÁ, Jana. Le français dans l´économie. Francouzština v hospodářství. Praha: Ekopress, 2007. 310 s. ISBN 978-80-86929-08-8.
3. Current magazine articles on translation in French and Slovak
4. Internet dictionaries
5. General, economic and legal interpretive and translation dictionaries
Requirements to complete the course
Interim evaluation: 40%
Final evaluation: 60%
Student workload
Full-time study: 130 hours. Of which:
52 hours – attendance at seminars
30 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
48 hours – preparation for the final exam
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Slovak, French
Date of approval: 08.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 06.05.2022