Third Foreign Language – German II.


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- expanded knowledge of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, as well as of topics of everyday life at the A1.2 level.
- to read simple texts with the correct pronunciation and reproduce them orally and in writing.
- to understand the common vocabulary of basic communication topics.
- to understand the subject of a spoken text and identify specific information in it.
- communicative skills in topics of everyday life at the A1.2 level.
- to handle short social conversations, to communicate on topics of everyday situations.
- to describe one’s daily routine.
- to talk about one’s past activities and plans for the near future.

Indicative content

1. Living. Life in the city. Prepositions with dative and accusative.
2. Health. Term planning. Temporal prepositions. Auxiliary verbs.
3. Smalltalk. Personal description. At home. Imperative.
4. Fashion. Clothes. Präteritum.
5. Weather. Graduation.
6. Traditions. Desire expressions. Conditional II. würde

Support literature

1. GLAS-PETERS, Sabine et al. Menschen A1.2. München: Hueber Verlag. 2012.
2. BECKER, Norbert, BRAUNERT, Jörg. Alltag, Beruf & Co. 1. München. Hueber Verlag. 2017.
3. DOUBEK, Margit et al. DaF kompakt neu A1. Stuttgart: Klett. 2016.
1. DUSILOVÁ, Doris et al. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? 1. Praha: Polyglot. 2006.
2. HÖLDRICH, Bettina. Lesen & Schreiben A1. München: Hueber Verlag. 2018.
3. Autentický študijný material z novín, časopisov a internetu.

Requirements to complete the course

Interim evaluation: 40 %
Final evaluation: 60 %

Student workload

Total study load (in hours):
Full-time study: 130 hours
52 hours – attendance at seminars
30 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
48 hours – preparation for the final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 16.05.2022