General French Language II.
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 6C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Applied Languages
Included in study programs
Teaching results
- Planful vocabulary expansion.
- Deepening of knowledge related to the sound structure, morphology and syntax of the French language through the use of purposefully selected learning material.
- Developing awareness of the nature of the French language.
- Understanding of the important structural aspects of the language.
- Vocabulary work will focus on the acquisition of an orientation in the area of word formation.
- Achieving a level of linguistic skill that will enable students to understand complex texts and interpret them appropriately.
- Systematic development of students' language skills through work with a wide range of original texts and audio and/or video recordings.
- Developing skills related to the practical use of the elements of sound structure, morphology and syntax of language in communication.
- Developing potential in the use of prepositional phrases and phrasal verbs.
On the basis of the knowledge acquired, to develop the ability to express oneself fluently, grammatically correct and stylistically appropriate both orally and in writing on a variety of topics.
Indicative content
- Steady phrases, idioms, phraseology and their use in everyday communication
- Linguistic means of formal and informal communication
- Sources of past and present vocabulary enrichment
- Selected phenomena from the grammar of the French language
- French language syntax
- General aspects of the French language and their reflection in communication practice
Support literature
1. CHOLLET, Isabelle – ROBERT, J.-M.: Le français parlé. B1-C2. Paris: Ellipses. 2018. 264p.
3. GRÉGOIRE, Maia. – KOSTUCKI, A.: Grammaire progressive du français. Perfectionnement. Paris: CLE International. 2017. 288 p.
4. HIRSCHPRUNG, Nathalie – TRICOT, T. Cosmopolite 4. B2. Paris: Hachette FLE. 2019. 225 p.
5. MELUSOVA, Elena: Initiation à la linguistique française. Bratislava: Ekonóm.2018. 85 p.
6. MIQUEL, Claire: Vocabulaire progressif du français. Niveau avancé B2-C1.1. Paris: CLE
International. 2018. 207 p.
1. CHOLLET, Isabelle – ROBERT, J.-M.: Les verbes et leurs prépositions. Paris: CLE
International. 2007, 224 p.
2. GREVISSE, M.: Le petit Grevisse. Grammaire française. Louvain-la-Neuve: Duculot. 2009. 383 p.
3. LAPEYRE, Bénédicte: Être plus diplomate. Comment mieux communiquer avec les autres.
Paris: Eyrolles. 2014. 174 p.
4. LAYGUES, Bernard: Évitez de dire... Dites plutôt... Paris: Albin Michel.2003. 212 p.
Requirements to complete the course
Interim evaluation: 40%
Final evaluation: 60%
Student workload
Full-time study: 156 hours. Of which:
78 hours – attendance at seminars
31 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
47 hours – preparation for the final exam
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 08.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 22.05.2022