General German Language I.
- Credits: 8
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 8C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Applied Languages
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• Systematic development of vocabulary.
• Expansion of the knowledge related to the sound structure, morphology, and syntax of the German language, based on a selected teaching material.
• Development of students’ awareness of the German language nature and character.
• Awareness and understanding of important structural aspects of the language.
• Vocabulary work will focus on gaining orientation in the field of word formation.
• Achievement of such a level of language skills that will enable students to understand and interpret complex texts adequately.
• Systematic development of students’ language skills through the work with a wide range of original texts and audio/video materials.
• Development of the skills related to practical use of the elements of sound structure, morphology, and syntax.
• Development of students’ potential in the area of using verbo-nominal constructions and regimen of verbs.
Indicative content
The sound structure of the German language, accent and intonation and their practical use in everyday communication;
Specifics of pronunciation and orthography, basic principles of transcription and its practical use;
Selected morphological aspects of the German language and their reflection in communicative practice
Selected practices of word formation, suffixation and prefixation and their use in everyday communication;
Selected syntactic aspects of the German language and their reflection in communicative practice;
Verbo-nominal constructions, regimen of verbs, adjectives and nouns and their role in everyday
Support literature
1. KOITHA, Ute, SCHMITZ, Helen. Aspekte neu B2. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Stuttgart: Klett. 2017.
2. HELBIG, Gerhard, BUSCHA, Joachim. Deutsche Grammatik. Stuttgart: Klett. 2001.
3. DREYER, Hilke, SCHMITT, Richard. Lehr- und Übungbuch der deutschen Grammatik. Ismaning: Hueber Verlag. 2009.
1. MARKO, Ernest. Príručná gramatika nemčiny. Bratislava: SNP. 2006
2. BRILL, Lilly Marlen, TECHMER, Marion. Großes Übungsbuch Deutsch. Wortschatz. Ismaning: Hueber Verlag. 2011.
3. BETZ, Julika Ulrike, BILLINA, Anneli. Deutsch üben. Hören & Sprechen B2. Ismaning. Hueber Verlag. 2017.
4. BILINA, Anneli. Deutsch üben. Lesen & Schreiben B2. Ismaning: Hueber Verlag. 2018.
5. BILINA, Anneli et al. Deutsch üben. Wortschatz & Grammatik B2. Ismaning: Hueber Verlag. 2017.
Requirements to complete the course
Interim evaluation: 40%
Final evaluation: 60%
Student workload
Full-time study: 208 hours. Of which:
104 hours – attendance at seminars
42 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
62 hours – preparation for the final exam
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 08.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 22.05.2022