Professional Business German Language and Communication I.


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- acquisition of theoretical knowledge of the characteristics and basic features of the German professional language.
- the student can characterise and identify the basic features of professional language in a text and knows the principles of the production of professional economic texts in theoretical and practical terms.
- know the basic principles of the functioning of professional language,
- the student can use receptive and productive language skills at the required level,
- understands longer speeches and conversations; understands longer professional texts with a complex structure; can express himself/herself adequately on general and professional topics and formulate ideas and attitudes clearly,
- in writing, can produce clear, well-organized, and detailed text on complex professional economic topics, demonstrating mastery of compositional techniques, connective expressions, and means of cohesion,
- use flexibly and effectively the acquired linguistic knowledge, which is essential for the student's successful application in practice, for professional purposes.
- apply the acquired skills in working with professional texts, e.g. seminar papers, final thesis, case studies,
- apply appropriate linguistic strategies related to the production of professional texts (use of appropriate lexical, stylistic, morphosyntactic devices) in the target language,
- acquiring the ability to consciously distinguish appropriate from inappropriate linguistic devices in professional economic communication (colloquial expressions, syntactically incomplete sentences, imprecise, ambivalent expressions, etc.).

Indicative content

- Professional language, its properties and functioning (professional languages and their division, professional vocabulary and its structure, frequent morphosyntactic phenomena of professional language)
- Communication in trade and business (e.g. telephone interview and mail communication)
- Resolving conflicts, complaints and reminders
- Contracts
- Types of companies
- Marketing, Advertising

Support literature

1. ROELCKE, Thorsten. Fachsprachen. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2020. 327 pp. ISBN 9783503188024.
2. TUHÁRSKA, Zuzana. Text als Medium der Informationsvermittlung: eine Studie zur Textsorte "didaktisch angelegter fachsprachlicher Text" unter Berücksichtigung pragmasyntaktischer Ansätze. In: Aussiger Beiträge. - Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, 2015. - ISSN 1802-6419. - Roč. 9, č. 9 (2015), s. 229-249. (SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS)
3. VOLGNANDT, Gabriele – VOLGNANDT, Dieter. Exportwege neu. Kursbuch 3.
Wirtschaftsdeutsch. Leipzig: Schubert-Verlag, 2013. 244 pp. ISBN 978-3-941323-04-9.
1. ŠTEFAŇÁKOVÁ, Jana – TUHÁRSKA, Zuzana. Fachtext – Terminus – Übersetzung. Theoretische und praktische Einführung in die Fachsprache und fachsprachliche Textarbeit am Beispiel der Steuersprache. Banská Bystrica: Belianum, 2015. 163 pp. ISBN 978-80-557-0994-9.
2. SVET, Anna. Szenario-Methode zur Förderung der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz: exemplarische Studie zur Entwicklung der sprachlich-kommunikativen Kompetenz am Arbeitsplatz. Dissertationsschrift. Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2019. 344 pp.
3. ADAMCOVÁ, Silvia – LIŠKOVÁ, Danuša (Hrsg.). Usuelle Wortverbindungen in der deutschen Wirtschaftssprache und ihre Widerspeigelugen in mehreren Sprachen. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2020. 276 pp. ISBN 978-3-339-11020-6.
4. TUHÁRSKA, Zuzana. Einführung in die Stilistik 2. Moderne Tendenzen in der Stilistik. Banská Bystrica: Belianum, 2015. 168 pp. ISBN 978-80-557-0998-7.
5. RIEGLER-POYET, Margarete – STRAUB, Bernard – THIELE, Paul. Das Testbuch Wirtschaftsdeutsch: Training zum Test WiDaF. München: Klett-Langenscheidt, 2013. 145 pp. ISBN 9783468498411.
6. WERGEN Josef – WÖRNER, Annette. Bürokommunikation DEUTSCH. Stuttgart: Pons Verlag, 2010. 207 pp. ISBN 9783125617339.
7.BUHLMANN, Rosemarie. Wirtschaftsdeutsch von A – Z: Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch: Kommnikation und Fachwirtschaft in der Wirtschaft. Berlin, München (u.a.): Langenscheidt, 2008. 192 pp. ISBN 9783468498695.

Requirements to complete the course

Interim evaluation: 30%
Final evaluation: 70%

Student workload

Total study load (in hours):
Full-time study: 156 hours
52 hours of seminars
32 hours of preparation for the seminars and for the interim evaluation
72 hours of preparation for the exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 19.05.2022