Accounting in spreadsheets
- Ending: Examination
- Semester: summer
- Faculty of Economic Informatics
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Learning outcomes of the study program:
The aim of the course Accounting in spreadsheets is to teach students how to collect accounting data from accounting books and supporting records from various accounting programs, cross-validate and process it using advanced spreadsheet functions for the needs of its application in decision-making and for reporting purposes.
Students will gain knowledge about data provided in electronic form from primary sources, their content and the need and possibility of using spreadsheets for their processing into information necessary for decision-making and reporting.
Students will gain competencies consisting of their ability to work with spreadsheets to obtain and transform primary accounting data from accounting books and supporting records into relevant information.
Students will learn to use advanced spreadsheet functions in the context of accounting, acquire methods of working with electronic accounting data from accounting books and supporting records, and acquire the skills necessary to create reports, interpret and final accounting information.
Indicative content
Indicative content:
Introduction. Analysis of general ledger and journal data. Transformation of accounting software outputs into standardized general ledger and journal reports in Excel. Reading data in the general ledger and identifying items forming the turnovers of individual accounts using the journal and filtering data in the journal. Compilation of statement of financial position based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. Compilation of income statement and other components of comprehensive income based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. Compilation of statement of cash flows based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. Compilation of statement of cash flows based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. Compilation of statement of changes in equity based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. Compilation of financial statements of a micro-accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. Specifics of the compilation of balance sheet of a large and small accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. Specifics of the compilation of income statement of a large and small accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. Specifics of the compilation of statement of cash flows within the notes to the financial statements of a large accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. Compilation of statement of changes in fixed assets, depreciations and impairment losses to fixed assets within the notes to the financial statements of a large accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel.
Support literature
Odporúčaná literatúra:
1. Juhászová, J. (2021). Účtovníctvo. Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer SR
2. Excel 2023 (2023). The Practical Step-by-Step Manual of Microsoft Excel for Learning Basic and Advanced Features, Formulas, and Charts with Easy and Clear Examples. 2023 Harper Lane.
3. Zákon č. 431/2002 Z. z. o účtovníctve v znení neskorších predpisov
4. Opatrenia MF SR v oblasti účtovníctva:
5. Smernica Európskeho Parlamentu a Rady 2013/34/EÚ:
6. Medzinárodné štandardy pre finančné vykazovanie (IFRS) v znení prijatom v EÚ:
Indicative content: 1. Introduction. Analysis of general ledger and journal data. 2. Transformation of accounting software outputs into standardized general ledger and journal reports in Excel. 3. Reading data in the general ledger and identifying items forming the turnovers of individual accounts using the journal and filtering data in the journal. 4. Compilation of statement of financial position based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. 5. Compilation of income statement and other components of comprehensive income based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. 6. Compilation of statement of cash flows based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. 7. Compilation of statement of cash flows based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. 8. Compilation of statement of changes in equity based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. 9. Compilation of financial statements of a micro-accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. 10. Specifics of the compilation of balance sheet of a large and small accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. 11. Specifics of the compilation of income statement of a large and small accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. 12. Specifics of the compilation of statement of cash flows within the notes to the financial statements of a large accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel. 13. Compilation of statement of changes in fixed assets, depreciations and impairment losses to fixed assets within the notes to the financial statements of a large accounting unit based on general ledger data in the form of tables in Excel.
Requirements to complete the course
Active participation in seminars.
Passing the practical part of the exam (70% of the final exam score) and the theoretical part of the exam (30% of the final exam score) with a success rate of at least 51% of the total number of points for the final exam.
Student workload
26 hours of practice
26 hours of preparation for practice
26 hours of preparation for the exam
Total student workload (in hours): 78
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 28.05.2024
Date of the latest change: 22.05.2024