Tax Accounting Automation
- Ending: Examination
- Semester: summer
- Faculty of Economic Informatics
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Learning outcomes of the study program:
The aim of the course is to teach students to use selected accounting software for the purposes of fulfilling recording obligations imposed on accounting units that are taxpayers in accordance with the tax legislation, including compilation and submission of tax returns, VAT control statement, and summary VAT return.
Upon completing the course, students will gain:
- knowledge necessary to assess the efficiency, benefits, as well as potential risks of implementing automated data processing tools in the field of tax accounting in all of the three key areas of taxation of accounting entities, namely income tax for individual entrepreneurs, income tax for legal entities, and value-added tax;
- skills involving the ability to maintain accounting records and supporting documentation with the support of information technologies, with an emphasis on tax aspects (including the obligatory information to be presented on of accounting records, supporting documentation, and reporting/electronic communication with the tax administrator);
- competencies to effectively implement the requirements of legal regulations governing relevant taxes in connection with the accounting information systems.
Indicative content
Course outline:
This course will focus on the use of accounting and economic systems to fulfill the recording and reporting requirements of accounting entities arising from the legal regulation of taxation.In three core areas, namely corporate income tax, personal income tax and value added tax, it will address the general setup of the systems (including the creation of appropriate analytical breakdown of accounts in the chart of accounts), aggregation of the necessary information according to correctly chosen criteria, so that it is possible to effectively bridge the differences between the accounting and tax perspective on economic events and facts.The subject will also deal with the creation and maintenance of supplementary records and the creation of reports, respectively, tax returns.
Support literature
Support literature:
1. Act No. 595/2003 coll. of laws on the Income Tax, as amended by other regulations.
2. Act No. 222/2004 Z. z. coll. of laws on the Value Added Tax, as amended by other regulations.
3. Act No. 431/2002 Z. z. coll. of law on Accounting as amended by other regulations.
4. Relevant by-laws of the Ministry of finance of Slovak Republic and methodic for tax returns, reports and further forms in accordance with the actual legislation.
5. Case studies and methodic provided in the electronic form via e-learning portal (
Syllabus: 1. Introduction to the selected accounting economic system. Creating and configuring the accounting unit of a limited liability company with a focus on value-added tax (VAT) and income tax. 2. Analysis of costs and revenues from a tax perspective. Creating a chart of accounts with particular emphasis on results affecting the income tax base. 3. Accounting cases focusing on the tax deductibility of costs for meals and travel expenses. 4. Accounting cases focusing on the tax deductibility of costs for fuels, representation, and inventory differences. 5. Accounting cases focusing on the tax deductibility of costs for creating adjustments to receivables and reserves; analysis of meeting the condition of payment in the profit transformation process for tax purposes. 6. Compilation of the tax return for the income tax of a legal entity (ITLE). Determining the work procedure for compiling the ITLE, generating the essentials needed for adjusting/transforming the profit outcome for tax purposes from the economic system. Generating the ITLE in various formats. Electronic communication via the FSSR portal. 7. Impact of VAT matters on automated record processing. Analytical accounts for account 343 - Value Added Tax in the chart of accounts depending on taxable transactions subject to accounting. Analysis of record-keeping in an automated system based on VAT classification and comprehensive VAT statement. 8. Accounting representation of taxable transactions types: subject to VAT, exempt from VAT, not included in VAT. Classification of taxable transactions for reporting in the VAT return (VRVAT), VAT control statement (VCSVAT), and summary VAT return (SVVAT). Analysis of VAT data, preparation of VRVAT, VCSVAT, SVVAT, and their export in various formats. Electronic communication via the FSSR portal. 9. Application of proportional VAT deduction through coefficients. Determining the coefficient based on data from accounting and requesting approval of the VAT deduction coefficient from the tax administrator. Issuing VRVAT and accounting representation of VAT under the proportional deduction regime using the coefficient. 10. Annual reconciliation of VAT deduction by coefficient. Calculating the coefficient from data of the regular accounting/tax period using the accounting economic system and calculating the deductible tax for the relevant accounting/tax period. 11. Creating and configuring the accounting unit of an individual entrepreneur in the accounting economic system: with a focus on income tax and value-added tax. Analysis of income and expenses from the income tax perspective. Options for creating analytical subgroups for different types of income and expenses. 12. Compilation of the tax return for income tax of an individual - Type B (ITLE-B) for an entrepreneur who achieved a combination of taxable incomes and besides business income, also has income from dependent activities, capital income, or other income. Generating ITLE-B in various formats. Electronic communication via the FSSR portal. 13. Comprehensive example - configuration of the accounting unit, accounting management, compilation of VRVAT, VCSVAT, SVVAT, profit outcome transformation based on tax, tax calculation, compilation of ITLE using automated record processing and outputs.
Requirements to complete the course
Active participation in seminars.
Passing the exam with a success rate of at least 51% of the total number of points allocated for that exam.
Student workload
• 26 hours of exercise
• 13 hours of exercise preparation
• 39 hours of exam preparation, out of which
26 hours of preparation for examples (70% of the exam grade)
13 hours of preparation for the theoretical part (30% of the exam grade)
Total student workload (in hours): 78
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 28.05.2024
Date of the latest change: 22.05.2024