Academic writing in Accounting


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of this course is:
Academic writing is an essential skill for all academics. It is therefore very important for beginning researchers to master the principles of effective academic writing so that the results of their research can be communicated to the academic community as well as to the general public.
The aim of this course is to provide a practical guide to key aspects of academic writing with a focus on accounting, auditing and reporting. The graduate of the course will obtain:
After completing the course, students should acquire:
1. Knowledge and understanding:
The graduates of the course obtain the overview of leading scientific journals focused on accounting, auditing and reporting, deepen their insights of general topics that fall into this category and expand their knowledge of the principles of academic writing.
2. Practical competencies:
The graduate will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the effective presentation of the results of his/her research in the field of accounting in the form of a scientific publication.
3. Skills:
The graduate is able to formulate a research problem and hypotheses. He/she will learn how to properly structure a scientific article and write a literature review (search, analysis, summary and synthesis). The graduate will also be able to appropriately present the results of his/her work and justify the choice of research methods.

Indicative content

Introduction to accounting research and an overview of leading academic journals in this field. Formulation of research topic, goals and hypotheses. Effective structure of a scientific article. Development of a conceptual framework. Literature review: search, analysis, summary and synthesis of literature. Presentation of research methods. Citations and reference sources. Use of English in academic writing.

Support literature

1. Bednárová, M., Bonsón, E. (2015),” YouTube Sustainability Reporting: Empirical Evidence from Eurozone-Listed Companies”, Journal of Information Systems. (Journal of American Accounting Association), Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 35-50.
2. Bonsón, E., Bednárová, M. (2019), “Blockchain and its implications for Accounting and Auditing“, Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 725-740 (SJR: Q2).
3. Bonsón, E., Bednárová, M. (2015), “CSR Reporting Practices of Eurozone Companies”, Revista de Contabilidad - Spanish Accounting Review, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 182-194.
4. Brennan, N.M. (2018). 100 research rules of the game. How to make your research world class; how to successfully publish in top international refereed journals. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 691-706.
5. Cooper, D. R., Schindler, P. S. (2008). Business Research Methods. (10. vydanie). New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008. 746 s. ISBN: 978-007—126333-7.
6. Dobbersteinová, J., Hudecová, S., Stožická, Z. (2019). Sprievodca svetom vedeckého publikovania. Bratislava : CVTI, 2019. ISBN978-80-89965-17-5.
7. Ecarnot, F., Seronde, M.F., Chopard, R., Schiele, F., Meneveau, N. (2015). Writing a scientific article: A step-by-step guide for beginners. EGM, 6. pp. 573-579.
8. C. George Thomas. Research Methodology and Scientific Writing (2nd Edition). ANE Books India.
9. Sandercock, P. M. (2012). How to write and publish a scientific article. Guest editorial. Can. Soc. Forensic Sci. J. Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 1-5.


1. Introduction to accounting research and an overview of leading academic journals in this field. 2. Formulation of a research topic: how to choose an interesting topic, presenting the main idea and an argument. 3. - 4. Effective structure of the research article: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusions. 5. Development of a conceptual framework. 6. - 7. Literature review: identification of relevant library resources and databases, effective search strategy, literature analysis, summary and synthesis. 8, - 9. Presentation of research methods: presentation and justification of data collection techniques and explanation of data analysis techniques. 10. - 11. Management of citations and reference sources. 12. - 13. Use of English in academic writing.

Requirements to complete the course

70 % individual assignment
30 % oral/written final exam

Student workload

Participation in consultations 26 h.
Preparation for consultations 60 h.
Preparation of individual assignment 74 h.
Preparation for the exam 74 h.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 08.01.2022