Accounting for financial and capital transactions


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the education is to expand the knowledge, skills and competencies of students in the accounting of business entities, specifically in the specifics of bookkeeping of various types of companies, from their establishment, preparation of financial statements to liquidation without liquidation, with liquidation, including organizational units. Students will also expand their knowledge on how to diversify business risk, how to avoid bankruptcy, restructuring, how to prevent company bankruptcy. Emphasis is also placed on expanding knowledge in the area of selected areas of financial accounting problems, especially on the purchase of the company and its parts, sale of the company and its parts, custom production at the contractor, real estate, the moment of implementation of individual contracts vs. NCOTERMS (delivery terms), deferred income tax and financial instruments - derivatives, as basic hedging instruments.
By completing the course, students will gain:
knowledge - the graduate will gain knowledge in the field of national legislation governing companies, in the areas of selected problems of financial accounting and knowledge of individual risk management, hedging and hedging strategies;
skill - to determine and apply accounting principles in solving the accounting presentation of specific accounting cases arising in the company, to orientate in selected areas of financial accounting problems, to diversify business risk, financial risk;
competence - the student knows, based on the acquisition of the above knowledge and skills, to solve assigned tasks and case studies. The student thus develops competencies that can be used in most professions of an accounting professional (auditor) and will enable him to hold several functions and positions in the transnational environment of the financial market.

Indicative content

Legal regulation of the establishment, dissolution of commercial companies in the Slovak Republic. Selected areas of accounting of companies, silent companies, organizational units. Changes in ownership transactions in companies from a legal and accounting point of view. Merger, amalgamation and division of unrelated companies. Dissolution, dissolution of companies. Purchase of a company and its parts. Sale of the company and its parts. Deferred income tax - general. Reasons for deferred income tax, methods of calculating deferred income tax. Deferred income tax on temporary differences - the procedure for determining the amount and nature of deferred income tax, calculation of deferred income tax (valuation), accounting, reporting in the financial statements. Peculiarities of accounting and reporting of deferred income tax. Construction contracts - order identification, order budget, valuation, accounting and reporting in the financial statements. Real estate construction - general. Acquisition of real estate for resale. Valuation, accounting and reporting of real estate in the financial statements. Concession accounting with the concessionaire. Financial instruments as a subject of accounting. Hedging and hedging strategies as a form of financial risk elimination. Derivatives - classification of derivatives from various points of view, valuation, accounting and reporting in the financial statements. Moment of implementation for individual types of contracts vs. INCOTERMS.

Support literature

1. FARKAŠ, R. 2020: Účtovná závierka obchodných spoločností. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2020. ISBN 978-80-571-0247-2.
2. MÁZIKOVÁ, K. ONDRUŠOVÁ, L. SENEŠI, N. 2016: Účtovníctvo vlastníckych transakcií. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer. 2016. ISBN 978-80-8168-501-9.
3. ONDRUŠOVÁ, L. 2011: Účtovníctvo vlastníckych transakcií: zbierka príkladov. 1. vyd. Bratislava: EKONÓM, 2011. ISBN 978-80-225-3282-2.
4. Vomáčková, H. 2009: Účetnictví akvizicí, fúzí a jiných vlastnických transakcií. Praha: Polygon, 2009. IBAN: 9788072731572.
5. Zákon č. 431/2002 Z. z. o účtovníctve v znení neskorších predpisov.
6. Zákon č. 513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník v znení neskorších predpisov.
7. Zákon č. 7/2005 Z. z. o konkurze a reštrukturalizácií v znení neskorších predpisov.
8. Opatrenie MF SR č. 23 054/2002-92, ktorým sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o postupoch účtovania a rámcovej účtovej osnove pre podnikateľov účtujúcich v sústave podvojného účtovníctva, v znení neskorších predpisov.
9. Štúdie vo vedeckých časopisoch a zborníkoch a články v odborných časopisoch.


1. Legal regulation of the establishment, dissolution of commercial companies in the Slovak Republic. 2. Selected areas of accounting of companies, silent companies, organizational units. 3. Changes in ownership transactions in companies from a legal and accounting point of view. 4. Mergers, acquisitions and divisions of unrelated companies. 5. Dissolution, dissolution of companies. 6. Purchase of a company and its parts. Sale of the company and its parts. 7. Deferred income tax - general. Reasons for deferred income tax, methods of calculating deferred income tax. 8. Deferred income tax on temporary differences - the procedure for determining the amount and nature of deferred income tax, calculation of deferred income tax (valuation), accounting, reporting in the financial statements. Peculiarities of accounting and reporting of deferred income tax. 9. Construction contracts - order identification, order budget, valuation, accounting and reporting in the financial statements. 10. Real estate construction - in general. Acquisition of real estate for resale. Valuation, accounting and reporting of real estate in the financial statements. Concession accounting with the concessionaire. 11. Financial instruments as a subject of accounting. Hedging and hedging strategies as a form of financial risk elimination. 12. Derivatives - classification of derivatives from various points of view, valuation, accounting and reporting in the financial statements. 13. Moment of implementation for individual types of contracts vs. INCOTERMS.

Requirements to complete the course

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
13 hours of preparation for the lectures
26 hours of preparation for the seminars
13 hours of preparation for the continuous written essay (25 % of the overall grading)
26 hours of preparation for the final written exam (75 % of the overall grading)
Total study load (in hours): 130

Student workload

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
13 hours of preparation for the lectures
26 hours of preparation for the seminars
13 hours of preparation for the continuous written essay (25 % of the overall grading)
26 hours of preparation for the final written exam (75 % of the overall grading)
Total study load (in hours): 130

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 19.12.2021