Accounting for companies and cooperatives
- Ending: Examination
- Semester: summer
- Faculty of Economic Informatics
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Learning outcomes of the study program:
The aim of the course is to deepen students' knowledge in the field of business corporations and cooperatives. The aim of the course is to provide students with detailed information when making decisions by shareholders when choosing the type of business company in individual types of business companies or the possibility of using alternatives such as a cooperative or association to carry out business activities. Point out the need to determine the subject of business and its subsequent impact on the accounting of accounting entities as well as on the reporting in the financial statements.
Knowledge – the students will gain knowledge in the possibility of choosing between individual business companies, cooperatives or associations when carrying out business activities. He will deepen his knowledge in connection with the requirements placed on accounting depending on business and the need to compile internal directives.
Skills – the students will be able to assess the essence of the transaction and will be able to process, count, value, report the given transaction in an appropriate manner and assess its impact on the accounting entity itself.
Competencies - the student, based on the knowledge and skills acquired, will be able to independently process individual case studies and keep accounts in accordance with legal regulations.
Indicative content
Establishment and specifics of personal business companies. Definition of the necessary documents and determination of the procedures necessary for the establishment of personal business companies (general partnership, limited partnership and limited liability company).Identification of specifics from the accounting point of view when establishing and creating business companies. Establishment and specifics of a private joint-stock company.
Definition of the necessary documents and determination of the procedures necessary for the establishment of a private joint-stock company. Need and determination of individual types of shares when establishing a private joint-stock company (nominal value, issue price, issue premium). Establishment and specifics of a public joint-stock company. Definition of the necessary documents and determination of the procedures necessary for the establishment of a public joint-stock company. Need and determination of individual types of shares when establishing a public joint-stock company (nominal value, issue price, issue premium). Establishment and specifics of cooperatives. Definition of the procedures for establishing a cooperative (agricultural cooperative, production cooperative, service cooperative, small cooperative).Pointing out the differences in the functioning of cooperatives compared to business companies. Establishment and specification of associations. Definition of individual types of associations through which business entities can carry out business activities without the establishment and existence of a business company. Carrying out business activities by a person who carries out business activities on the basis of an authorization other than a trade license. Definition of accounting procedures and specification of the accounting of persons who do business on the basis of an authorization other than a trade license. The impact of their activities on accounting and financial statements. Legal document of incorporation and its impact on accounting. Definition of the necessary information obtained from the articles of association, foundation agreement or foundation deed for the purposes of preparing the opening balance sheet and subsequent accounting. Determination of the subject of business and its impact on accounting. Definition of the subject of business of business companies and their impact on accounting and reporting in the accounting unit. Stressing the importance of defining the exact subject of business and then correctly accounting for individual accounting cases carried out during the accounting period. Specifics of accounting for real estate agencies, law firms. Definition of the specific activities of real estate and law firms. Establishing the requirements for keeping accounts and preparing financial statements for specific activities within the scope of real estate and law firms. Concession agreements and impact on accounting. Specifics and definition of activities related to the concession agreement and its subsequent impact on accounting. Processing of an internal directive necessary for the provision of commission services. Consignment warehouse from an accounting perspective. Specifics and definition of activities related to the consignment warehouse and the subsequent impact on accounting and financial statements. Archivation for accounting. Specification of the needs for archiving accounting, legal regulations, forms of archivation. Archivation for accounting. Method and options for maintaining archiving.
Support literature
Support literature:
1. Máziková K. a kol. 2016: Účtovníctvo vlastníckych transakcií. Bratislava. Wolters Kluwer, 2016. ISBN 978-80-8168-501-9.
2. Farkaš, R. 2020: Účtovná závierka obchodných spoločností. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2020. ISBN 978-80-571-0247-2.
3. Act No.431/2002 Coll. of laws on Accounting, as amended by further regulations.
4. Act No.513/1991 Coll. of laws (Commercial Code), as amended by further regulations
5. Act No.455/1991 Coll. of laws (Trade Licensing Act), as amended by further regulations
6. By-laws of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic No. 23 054/2002 -92, on details on accounting procedures and the framework chart of accounts for entrepreneurs using double-entry accounting system, as amended by further regulations.
Indicative content: 1. Establishment and specifics of personal business companies. Definition of the necessary documents and determination of the procedures necessary for the establishment of personal business companies (general partnership, limited partnership and limited liability company).Identification of specifics from the accounting point of view when establishing and creating business companies. 2. Establishment and specifics of a private joint-stock company. Definition of the necessary documents and determination of the procedures necessary for the establishment of a private joint-stock company. Need and determination of individual types of shares when establishing a private joint-stock company (nominal value, issue price, issue premium). 3. Establishment and specifics of a public joint-stock company. Definition of the necessary documents and determination of the procedures necessary for the establishment of a public joint-stock company. Need and determination of individual types of shares when establishing a public joint-stock company (nominal value, issue price, issue premium). 4. Establishment and specifics of cooperatives. Definition of the procedures for establishing a cooperative (agricultural cooperative, production cooperative, service cooperative, small cooperative).Pointing out the differences in the functioning of cooperatives compared to business companies. 5. Establishment and specification of associations. Definition of individual types of associations through which business entities can carry out business activities without the establishment and existence of a business company. 6. Carrying out business activities by a person who carries out business activities on the basis of an authorization other than a trade license. Definition of accounting procedures and specification of the accounting of persons who do business on the basis of an authorization other than a trade license. The impact of their activities on accounting and financial statements. 7. Legal document of incorporation and its impact on accounting. Definition of the necessary information obtained from the articles of association, foundation agreement or foundation deed for the purposes of preparing the opening balance sheet and subsequent accounting. 8. Determination of the subject of business and its impact on accounting. Definition of the subject of business of business companies and their impact on accounting and reporting in the accounting unit. Stressing the importance of defining the exact subject of business and then correctly accounting for individual accounting cases carried out during the accounting period. 9. Specifics of accounting for real estate agencies, law firms. Definition of the specific activities of real estate and law firms. Establishing the requirements for keeping accounts and preparing financial statements for specific activities within the scope of real estate and law firms. 10. Concession agreements and impact on accounting. Specifics and definition of activities related to the concession agreement and its subsequent impact on accounting. Processing of an internal directive necessary for the provision of commission services. 11 Consignment warehouse from an accounting perspective. Specifics and definition of activities related to the consignment warehouse and the subsequent impact on accounting and financial statements. 12. Archivation for accounting. Specification of the needs for archiving accounting, legal regulations, forms of archivation. 13. Archivation for accounting. Method and options for maintaining archiving.
Requirements to complete the course
Active participation in seminars.
Passing the practical part of the exam (70% of the final exam grade) and the theoretical part of the exam (30% of the final exam grade) with a minimum success rate of 51% of the total points for the final exam.
Student workload
Student workload:
• 26 hours of exercise
• 13 hours of exercise preparation
• 39 hours of exam preparation, out of which:
26 hours of preparation for examples (70 % of the exam grade)
13 hours of preparation for the theoretical part (30 % of the exam grade)
Total student workload in hours: 78
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 28.05.2024
Date of the latest change: 22.05.2024