
Included in study programs

Teaching results

Completion of the course Introduction to actuarial science the development of key competencies in the areas of new knowledge, competencies and skills.
Knowledge and understanding:
Students will understand the system of risk management in insurance companies and gain basic knowledge about the R language, actuarial science and actuarial analysis, which are used in actuarial practice.
Based on the above knowledge, students can understand actuarial terminology and master the basic qualitative procedures and quantitative methods used in actuarial analysis, acquire the basics of critical thinking and can assess the advantages and disadvantages of risk management procedures.
As part of the educational process, they will acquire such skills that will enable students to perform basic actuarial analyzes, use the R language in these analyzes and orient themselves in the EU Solvency II Directive and the principles of actuarial science.

Indicative content

1. Risk, insurance and insurance market.
2. Regulation of the insurance market.
3. Actuarial science.
4. Actuarial software.
5. Actuarial statistics.
6. Enterprise risk management.
7. Actuarial models.
8. Actuarial demography.
9. Actuarial analyzes in life insurance.
10. Actuarial analyzes in non-life insurance.
11. Risk transfer. Reinsurance. Global reinsurance market.
12. New trends in insurance risks.
13. Financial market instruments.

Support literature

1. PÁLEŠ, M. a kol. Aktuárstvo. Bratislava : Letra Edu, 2021.
2. HORÁKOVÁ, G. – PÁLEŠ, M. – SLANINKA, F. Teória rizika v poistení. Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
3. PÁLEŠ, M. – SLANINKA, F. Teória rizika v poistení. Riešené príklady v jazyku R a Maxima. Bratislava : Letra Edu, 2021.
4. CHARPENTIER, A. Computational Actuarial Science with R. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2015.
5. KAAS, R. – GOOVAERTS, M. – DHAENE, J. – DENUIT, M. Modern actuarial risk theory using R. Berlin : Springer, 2008.
6. ALBERT, J. – RIZZO, M. R by Example. New York : Springer, 2012.


1. Risk, insurance and insurance market. 2. Regulation of the insurance market. 3. Actuarial science. 4. Actuarial software. 5. Actuarial statistics. 6. Enterprise risk management. 7. Actuarial models. 8. Actuarial demography. 9. Actuarial analyzes in life insurance. 10. Actuarial analyzes in non-life insurance. 11. Risk transfer. Reinsurance. Global reinsurance market. 12. New trends in insurance risks. 13. Financial market instruments.

Requirements to complete the course

30% written work,
10% semester seminar work, resp. project,
60% written exam.

Student workload

Total study load (in hours): 130 hours
26 hours of lectures,
26 hours of exercise,
39 hours of self-study in preparation for the exam,
13 hours preparation for seminars,
6 hours elaboration of a semester project,
20 hours preparation for written work.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 15.05.2022