Economic Informatics II


Included in study programs

Teaching results

After completing the course, students should be able to:
A. Model business processes in a particular company using appropriate diagram and tabular techniques in conjunction with the organizational structure and functions of organizational units.
B. Based on the above model, design web services to automate business processes in the selected company.
C. Write and read data in XML format.
D. Create XSD templates prescribing the desired format of XML documents.
E. Write data to XML documents to meet the requirements of the templates.
F. Understand the basics of WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI registers.
G. Use online validators to work with XML and XSD languages.
H. Use Drawio software to create business analysis diagrams that is available on-line for free. For some table techniques MS Excel is used (relational tables, decision tables, RACI matrices).

Indicative content

1. The essence of service-oriented architecture and its basic principles. Advantages and disadvantages of its use.
2. Basic terminology. Service description. Abstraction. Reusability of services. Composition of services - choreography and orchestration. Service autonomy and statelessness. Open standards. Technology platform.
3. Basic characteristics of web services and the mechanism of message transmission between them. Active and passive intermediaries. Possible ways of implementing the user interface for web services. WSGUI Engine.
4. Classification of web services according to the way they are used in the concept of SOA - entity, processing, auxiliary and coordination services and their relationship to business processes.
5. Example of using service models to automate a specific business process.
6. Life cycle of a service-oriented information system. Service-oriented analysis.
7. XML language. The meaning of its use and the possibility of its use in SOA. Rules for validation of XML documents - creation of well-formed XML documents.
8. XSD language. The meaning of its use and the possibility of its use in SOA. Basic data types.
9. XSD language. Simple user-declared data types.
10. XSD language. Compound user-declared data types. Creating properly structured XSD documents.
11. WSDL language. The meaning of its use and the possibility of its use in SOA. WSDL document structure. Abstract versus specific service description. Messages, operations, interfaces, bindings, and ports.
12. UDDI register. The meaning of their use and the possibility of their use in SOA. Public versus private registers. Structure of public registers.
13. SOAP protocol and its use in SOA. SOAP message structure. Rules for creating SOAP message headers and bodies. Error messages. SOAP message styles - RPC / encoded, RPC / literal, document / encoded, document / literal.

Support literature

1. JURÍK, Pavol. Servisne orientovaná architektúra v procesne riadenom podniku. Odborní recenzenti: Peter Závodný, Magdaléna Cárachová, Jozef Stašák. 1. vydanie. Vedecká monografia. Nové Zámky : Tlačiareň Merkur, 2020. 178 s. [9,001 AH]. ISBN 978-80-89996- 06-3.
2. ERL, T. SOA Servisně orientovaná architektura, Computer Press, 2009, ISBN 9788025118863
3. HEROUT, P.: Java a XML. 2012. České Budějovice: Kopp. 313 s. ISBN 978-80-7232-307-4.
4. STAŠÁK, J.: Modelovanie systému riadenia ekonomických objektov. 2010. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm. 182 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2896-2.

Requirements to complete the course

Seminars: 40% seminar project (team practical project - design of services forming an information system built on the principles of service-oriented architecture based on the analysis of business processes in a fictitious company). The seminar project verifies the achieved level of educational results A., B., H.
Final exam: 60% knowledge test done on-line using a test application, which verifies the achieved level of educational outcomes C., D., E., F., G.

Student workload

104 hours (of which participation in lectures: 26 hours, participation in seminars: 26 hours, preparation for the exam: 26 hours, elaboration of a semester project: 26 hours).

Language whose command is required to complete the course
