Informatics II
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Economic Informatics
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
A. Understand the basic principles of transforming numerical, textual, graphical, multimedia data about real-world objects into a system used by a computer (binary system)
B. Analyze computer software according to the tasks it must perform.
C. Know several and be able to select appropriate computer software depending on the type of tasks that need to be solved.
D. Define basic and application software, additional communication software, application software to address general and specific user requirements
E. Define the role of programming languages in the computer software system and the information system as a whole.
F. Understand the nature of software product models, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of specific methodologies
G. Understand how a work team works and organizes itself to work together, and learn the fundamentals of such collaboration
H. Present and defend at a professional level the solutions proposed by them
I. Produce a technical documentation (report) describing their proposed solution in the form of a seminar paper
Indicative content
Indicative content:
1. Basic definitions: data, information, knowledge, skills. Basic types of data and their distribution. How to use different types of data and information.
2. Coding and encryption, basic definitions, common and different features. Numbering systems. Working in the binary system.
3. Method of encoding different type of data into binary system. Bit, Byte and its multiples, Word.
4. Computer software, basic types of programs. Basic software, general purpose software.
5. Operating systems, communication programs for connecting peripheral devices.
6. Application programs and their division. General application programs.
7. Software for office work. Basic operations in text and spreadsheet editors, creating presentations.
8. Specific application software for various areas of human activity (education, construction, engineering, mathematics and physics, etc.)
9. Software for computer networking.
10. Software aimed at communication (mail, chat, video chat, video conferencing, screen sharing, remote computer control, etc.).
11. Group work in project creation, document sharing, disk sharing.
12. Sharing computer resources. Grid technologies, cloud solutions and their use in collaborative working.
13. Viruses and their distribution, basics of computer law.
The basis of the exercise
1. Introduction to the R language.
2. Creating and working with objects.
3. Data types and the differences between them.
4. Operators and their use.
5. Basic built-in functions of the R language.
6. Data structures and their use.
7. Basics of data processing.
8. Working with data files.
9. Working with loops and conditions.
10. Apply family functions.
11. Creating custom functions.
12. Working with the graphical tools of the R language.
13. Working with external libraries (tidyverse, dplyr, etc.).
Support literature
1. Kultan J., Serik M., Fajkus R.: Informatika pre netechnické školy, (vybrané otázky). Bratislava : STATIS, 2012. 128 s. [8,50 AH]. ISBN 978-80-85659-73-3.,
2. Schmidt P., Kultan J., Prochádzka P.: Informatika – hardvér,
3. Pelikán J., : Matematické základy informatiky ISBN 9788024517780, VYDAVATEĽSTVO Oeconomica
4. Matiaško K., Základy informatiky, Vydavateľstvo Edis, 2004
5. Venables, V.,M. a kol.: An Introduction to R,
6. Danko, J., Šafr, K.: R snadno a rychle 1, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica – Praha 2020, ISBN 978-80-245-2380-4
7. Danko, J., Šafr, K.: R snadno a rychle 2, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica – Praha 2020, ISBN 978-80-245-2381-1
8. Schmidt,P.: IKT pre začinajúcich používateľov, Bratislava 2013, ISBN 978-80-971532-0-5
9. Kaluža,J. – Kalužová, L. (2012). Informatika. Ekopress, ISBN: 9788086929835
10. Páleš, M. (2019 )Jazyk R pre aktuárov. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo Letra Edu, 2019. 349 s. ISBN 978-80-89962-26-6.
Requirements to complete the course
Exam 60% marks. The exam consists of two parts: a test and a specific problem-solving task. The test verifies the achievement of learning outcomes A., C., F., G., the problem-solving task verifies the achievement of learning outcomes B., C., D., E.
Exercises 40% - semestral work
Student workload
Total study load (in hours):
156 h (participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, elaboration of a semester project 26 h, preparation for the exam 52 h)
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 11.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 16.02.2025