Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university
Number of defended theses
Bakalárske (prvý stupeň): 55
Diplomové (druhý stupeň): 53
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 26
Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 62
Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 2
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs
"ADC ČERYOVÁ, Barbara - ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter. Vine Copula Approach to the Intra-Sectoral Dependence Analysis in the Technology Industry.
In: Finance Research Letters - New York : Elsevier. - ISSN 1544-6123. - Vol. 60, February (2024), pp. [1-8]. VEGA 1/0221/21."
"ADC RAŠIOVÁ, Barbara - ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter. Copula Approach to Market Volatility and Technology Stocks Dependence. In: Finance Research Letters - New York : Elsevier. - ISSN 1544-6123. - Vol. 52 (2023), pp. [1-6]. VEGA 1/0221/21."
"ADC ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter - CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena - PAVELKA, Ľuboš. Vplyv nemeckého akciového trhu na akciové trhy krajín V4. In Politická ekonomie : teorie, modelování, aplikace. - Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická, 2020. ISSN 0032-3233, 2020, roč. 68, č. 5, s. 554-568 online. VEGA 1/0613/18, VEGA 1/0257/18, VEGA 1/0777/20, ITMS 26240120032."
"ADD ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter - CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena. The Adaptive markets hypothesis and the BRIC share markets. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Ekonomický časopis : časopis pre ekonomickú teóriu, hospodársku politiku, spoločensko-ekonomické prognózovanie = journal for economic theory, economic policy, social and economic forecasting. - Bratislava : Ekonomický ústav SAV : Prognostický ústav SAV, 2015. ISSN 0013-3035, 2015, roč. 63, č. 10, s. 1003-1018. VEGA 1/0124/14."
"ADM ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter. The Halloween effect on the agricultural commodities markets. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Agricultural economics. - Prague : Czech academy of agricultural sciences, 2017. ISSN 0139-570X, 2017, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 441-448."
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years
"ADC ČERYOVÁ, Barbara - ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter. Vine Copula Approach to the Intra-Sectoral Dependence Analysis in the Technology Industry.
In: Finance Research Letters - New York : Elsevier. - ISSN 1544-6123. - Vol. 60, February (2024), pp. [1-8]. VEGA 1/0221/21."
"ADC RAŠIOVÁ, Barbara - ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter. Copula Approach to Market Volatility and Technology Stocks Dependence. In: Finance Research Letters - New York : Elsevier. - ISSN 1544-6123. - Vol. 52 (2023), pp. [1-6]. VEGA 1/0221/21."
"ADC ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter - CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena - PAVELKA, Ľuboš. Vplyv nemeckého akciového trhu na akciové trhy krajín V4. In Politická ekonomie : teorie, modelování, aplikace. - Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická, 2020. ISSN 0032-3233, 2020, roč. 68, č. 5, s. 554-568 online. VEGA 1/0613/18, VEGA 1/0257/18, VEGA 1/0777/20, ITMS 26240120032."
"ADM ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter - KOTLEBOVÁ, Jana. Agricultural Commodity Markets and the Turn of the Month Effect. - In: Agricultural Economics - Praha : Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2023. - ISSN 1805-9295. - Vol. 69, no. 3 (2023), pp. 101-108.- APVV-20-0359."
"ADM ÁRENDÁŠ, Peter - TKÁČOVÁ, Daniela - BUKOVEN, Ján. Seasonal Patterns in Oil Prices and Their Implications for Investors. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Journal of International Studies : Scientific Papers. - Szczecin : Centre of Sociological Research. ISSN 2306-3483, 2018, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 180-192 online. VEGA 1/0009/17."
The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
KEGA 031EU-4/2024 Energy crisis and energy security of Slovakia and the EU (The aim of the project is to prepare study literature in the form of book publications and high-quality scientific articles, to support the "Commodity Markets and Real Investments" classes, which is part of bachelor study programs "Finance, Banking, Insurance" and "Economics and Law" at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava. The published literature will be devoted not only to the causes and consequences of the energy crisis, the current structure of global and European energy markets, and the current state of energy security in Slovakia and the EU, but also to the identification of measures and policies that should lead to the strengthening of long-term energy security and prevention of energy crises in the future.) - principal researcher
VEGA 1/0124/14 The role of financial institutions and the capital market in solving the problems of the debt crisis in Europe (The financial crisis that broke out in 2008 spread to all areas of economic life and took on global dimensions. In solving its problems, economic practice used several conventional fiscal and monetary policy instruments ultimately led to the growth of government debts. The consequences of these processes particularly affected Europe and led to the debt crisis. The project focused on the issue of debt crisis and the search for suitable instruments to solve the problems that have arisen, whether from the point of view of introducing new system elements, new regulations, or increasing the efficiency of financial markets.) - deputy principal researcher
VEGA 1/0009/17 The making of the Capital union in Europe and its impact on individual member countries (The aim of this project was to evaluate the effectiveness of mechanism of the Capital union within the EU, to evaluate the risks endangering the individual member countries, to point out the need for legislation changes in the member countries and to outline the potential contributions of the capital union to development of the whole European community, as well as individual member countries.) - deputy principal researcher
VEGA 1/0257/18 Prediction of volatility density on financial markets (The main goal of the research project was to design procedures for realized volatility forecasts based on realized volatility density forecasts and to verify the forecasts based on statistical and economic criteria. The aim was to use quantile regression models to forecast the whole volatility distribution, to bridge the literature on point forecasts and on volatility density forecast, and to contribute to the empirical literature, by deriving forecasted volatility density by averaging the whole set of forecasted densities.) - researcher
VEGA 1/0221/21 Interest rates in the environment with central bank digital currency (So far, the concept of central bank digital currency (CBDC) has not been finalized or implemented. The sheer volume of different CBDC designs requires a more detailed analysis of their effects on the monetary policy (MP) transmission, as well as on price and finan. stability. CBDC implementation would significantly alter the functioning of the finan. system. It is therefore crucial to investigate the changes to the interest rates – as the inter. rate transmission channel of MP would be extended by the CBDC’s interest rates, which could be used to regulate the demand for CBDC, but which could potentially also play an important role in helping to attain the MP objectives. As price of money, inter. rates affect the functioning of each segment of the finan. market. The project focuses on the study of potential benefits and dangers for bank. sector, finan. markets and real economy, which could be associated with the modification of the inter. rate transmission process of MP in the EA19 due to CBDC implementation.) -deputy principal researcher
Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years
KEGA 031EU-4/2024 Energy crisis and energy security of Slovakia and the EU (The aim of the project is to prepare study literature in the form of book publications and high-quality scientific articles, to support the "Commodity Markets and Real Investments" classes, which is part of bachelor study programs "Finance, Banking, Insurance" and "Economics and Law" at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava. The published literature will be devoted not only to the causes and consequences of the energy crisis, the current structure of global and European energy markets, and the current state of energy security in Slovakia and the EU, but also to the identification of measures and policies that should lead to the strengthening of long-term energy security and prevention of energy crises in the future.) - principal researcher
VEGA 1/0124/14 The role of financial institutions and the capital market in solving the problems of the debt crisis in Europe (The financial crisis that broke out in 2008 spread to all areas of economic life and took on global dimensions. In solving its problems, economic practice used several conventional fiscal and monetary policy instruments ultimately led to the growth of government debts. The consequences of these processes particularly affected Europe and led to the debt crisis. The project focused on the issue of debt crisis and the search for suitable instruments to solve the problems that have arisen, whether from the point of view of introducing new system elements, new regulations, or increasing the efficiency of financial markets.) - deputy principal researcher
VEGA 1/0009/17 The making of the Capital union in Europe and its impact on individual member countries (The aim of this project was to evaluate the effectiveness of mechanism of the Capital union within the EU, to evaluate the risks endangering the individual member countries, to point out the need for legislation changes in the member countries and to outline the potential contributions of the capital union to development of the whole European community, as well as individual member countries.) - deputy principal researcher
VEGA 1/0257/18 Prediction of volatility density on financial markets (The main goal of the research project was to design procedures for realized volatility forecasts based on realized volatility density forecasts and to verify the forecasts based on statistical and economic criteria. The aim was to use quantile regression models to forecast the whole volatility distribution, to bridge the literature on point forecasts and on volatility density forecast, and to contribute to the empirical literature, by deriving forecasted volatility density by averaging the whole set of forecasted densities.) - researcher
VEGA 1/0221/21 Interest rates in the environment with central bank digital currency (So far, the concept of central bank digital currency (CBDC) has not been finalized or implemented. The sheer volume of different CBDC designs requires a more detailed analysis of their effects on the monetary policy (MP) transmission, as well as on price and finan. stability. CBDC implementation would significantly alter the functioning of the finan. system. It is therefore crucial to investigate the changes to the interest rates – as the inter. rate transmission channel of MP would be extended by the CBDC’s interest rates, which could be used to regulate the demand for CBDC, but which could potentially also play an important role in helping to attain the MP objectives. As price of money, inter. rates affect the functioning of each segment of the finan. market. The project focuses on the study of potential benefits and dangers for bank. sector, finan. markets and real economy, which could be associated with the modification of the inter. rate transmission process of MP in the EA19 due to CBDC implementation.) -deputy principal researcher
Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities
Chairman of the International Evaluation Panel (a part of the process of accreditation of universities in Czech Republic)
University of Finance and Administration
IV. 2020 - XII. 2020
Head of Section for publishing and pedagogical activities
Department of Banking and International Finance (Faculty of Economy and Finance, University of Economics in Bratislava)
2020 - present
Member of the sub-field commission 2.1 Finance
Faculty of Economy and Finance, University of Economics in Bratislava
2019 - present
Member of the scientific council of the Faculty of Economy and Finance
Faculty of Economy and Finance, University of Economics in Bratislava
2023 - present
Member of the program board of the "Financial Markets and Investing" study program
Faculty of Economy and Finance, University of Economics in Bratislava
2021 - present
Member of the program board of the "Fintech and Financial Innovations" study program, which is being prepared in collaboration with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of STU
Faculty of Economy and Finance, University of Economics in Bratislava / Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
2024 - present