doc. Ing. Miroslav Tóth, PhD.

Faculty: Faculty of Business Management

Department: Department of Business Economy

Position: Assistant Professor


Current and previous employment

Associate Professor
University of Economics in Bratislava Faculty of Business Management
2012 - 2022

Assistant Professor
University of Economics in Bratislava Faculty of Business Management
1996 - 2012

Director of the Economic Department
PD Sturova Okolicna na Ostrove
1991 - 1996

Director of the Economic Department
VD Elastic Hurbanovo

Economics Officer
JRD Zlatna na Ostrove
1984- 1989

Assistant Professor
University of Economics in Bratislava Faculty of Business Management
2023- lasts

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

Pedagogical Education
Katedra pedagogiky NHF EU v Bratislave

Digital Skills, MS Office
1986 - lasts

Course of economic expertise
Expert institute UE in Bratislava

Number of defended theses

Bachelor's (first degree): 12

Diploma (second degree): 53

Dissertation (third degree): 1

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 11

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 61

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

AAA Šúbertová, E., Tóth, Miroslav (33%, 3,72 AH), Tóthová A. Faktors of increasing the enterprises efficiency and preformance: scientific monograph. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2017. 195 s. ISBN 978-80-7552-872-8

AAB Tóth, M. (100%). Kalkulácia nákladov podľa čiastkových činností: metóda Activity Based Costing. Activity Based Costing. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓm, 2004. 112 s. ISBN 80-225-1909-X.

ACA Tóth, M. (50%, 4,42 AH), Šagátová, S. Nákladový controlling. Cost controlling. Praha: Wolters kluver ČR, 2020, 168 s. ISBN 978-80-7598-906-2

ADD Kupkovič, M., Tóth, M. Porovnanie prirážkovej kalkulácie nákladov a kalkulácie nákladov podľa čiastkových činností. Comparison of mark-up costing and activity-based costing. In Ekonomický časopis: časopis pre ekonomickú teóriu a hospodársku politiku. Bratislava Slovac Acadenic Press, 2004. ISSN 0013-3035, 2004 roč. 52, č. 2, s. 133 - 147.

BCI Tóth, M. (50%, 3,31 AH), Šagátová, S. Nákladový controlling: zbierka príkladov. Cost controlling. Bratislava: Wolters kluwer, 2018. 196 s. ISBN 978-80-8168-901-7

ADM The Influence of Selected Indicators on the Change in the Value of the Enterprise's Assets / Miroslav Tóth, Alena Tóthová. - VEGA 1/0582/22.

In: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues [elektronický zdroj] : Peer-reviewed Scientific Journal. - Vilnius : The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. - ISSN 2345-0282. - Vol. 11, no. 3 (2024), pp. 149-162.

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

AAA Šúbertová, E., Tóth, Miroslav (33%, 3,72 AH), Tóthová A. Faktors of increasing the enterprises efficiency and preformance: scientific monograph. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2017. 195 s. ISBN 978-80-7552-872-8

ACA Tóth, M. (50%, 4,42 AH), Šagátová, S. Nákladový controlling. Cost controlling. Praha: Wolters kluver ČR, 2020, 168 s. ISBN 978-80-7598-906-2

ADM  The Influence of Selected Indicators on the Change in the Value of the Enterprise's Assets / Miroslav Tóth, Alena Tóthová. - VEGA 1/0582/22.

In: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues [elektronický zdroj] : Peer-reviewed Scientific Journal. - Vilnius : The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. - ISSN 2345-0282. - Vol. 11, no. 3 (2024), pp. 149-162.

AEC Tóth, M (50%), Tóthová, A. Consuptionand Expenditure of Alcoholic Beverages in Slovakia. In Integrating and Systematizing the Results of Scientific Activities in the Field of Consumer Protection, with a Primary Focus on Food Security, in Order to Model Adequate Consumer Behavior: Research papers. Brno: masaryk University Press, 2020. ISBN 978-80-9756-8, s. 71 - 87 online.

ADF Tóth, M. (50%), Tóthová, A.. Basic Economic Indicators of Book Publishing. In Curent Problems of the Corporate Sector 2020. International Scientofic Conference. Current Problems of the Corporate Sector 2020: 17th International Scientific Conference. Paris: Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences, 2020 ISSN 2261-2424. pp. 1 - 8 online.

ADF Tóthová, Alena - Tóth, Miroslav. Vydávanie kníh na Slovensku v rokoch 2015 až 2020, vývoj a perspektíva. Book Publishing in Slovakia between 2015 and 202, Trends and Perspective. In Ekonomika a manažment : vedecký časopis Fakulty podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Nadácia Manažér, 2022. ISSN 2454-1028, 2022, roč. 19, č. 1, s. 50-62 online. VEGA 1/0582/22.

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

"Projekt VEGA 1/0708/20 "Socioekonomické determinanty trvalo udržateľnej spotreby a výroby z hľadiska vplyvu na výkonnosť a konkurencieschopnosť podnikov", 2020 - 2022, riešiteľ /

Projekt VEGA 1/0708/20 „Socio-economic determinants of sustainable consumption and production in terms of impact on performance and competitiveness of enterprises", , 2020 -2022.

Projekt KEGA 002EU-4/2019 "integrácia a systematizácia výsledkov vedeckovýskumnej činnosti v oblasti ochrany spotrebiteľa, s primárnou orientáciou na potravinovú bezpečnoeť, za účelom modelovania adekvátneho spotrebiteľského správania" 2019 - 2021, riešiteľ /

Projekt KEGA 002EU-4/2019 "Integrating and systematizing the results of scientific research in the field of consumer protection with a primary orientation on food security in order to model adequate consumer behavior", 2019 -2021

Projekt VEGA 1/0340/19 "Podnikateľský rozmer podnikov kreatívneho priemyslu v kontexte inteligentného rastu" 2019 -2021, riešiteľ /

Projekt VEGA 1/0340/19 “The Entrepreneurial Dimension of Creative industries in the Context of Innovation and Smart Growth”, 2019 - 2021

Projekt VEGA 1/0128/15 "Faktory zvyšovania výkonnosti poľnohospodárskych podnikov vo väzbe na rozvoj vidieka a zabezpečenie primeranej potravinovej sebestačnosti" 2015 - 2017, zodpovedný riešiteľ - vedúci projektu /

Projekt VEGA 1/0128/15 “Factors increasing the efficiency of agricultural enterprises in relation to the rural development and ensuring of the food self-sufficiency” 2015 - 2021, Project Leader

Projekt VEGA 1/0582/22 "Dimenzie medzisektorového podnikania subjektov kultúrneho a kreatívneho priemyslu v kontexte trvalo udržateľného rozvoja! / Riešiteľ, 2022 - 2024

Projekt VEGA 1/0582/22 "Dimensions of cross-sectoral entrepreneurship of cultural and creative industry entities in the context of sustainable development" 2022 - 2024

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

"Projekt VEGA 1/0708/20 "Socioekonomické determinanty trvalo udržateľnej spotreby a výroby z hľadiska vplyvu na výkonnosť a konkurencieschopnosť podnikov", 2020 - 2022, riešiteľ /

Projekt VEGA 1/0708/20 „Socio-economic determinants of sustainable consumption and production in terms of impact on performance and competitiveness of enterprises", , 2020 -2022.

Projekt KEGA 002EU-4/2019 "integrácia a systematizácia výsledkov vedeckovýskumnej činnosti v oblasti ochrany spotrebiteľa, s primárnou orientáciou na potravinovú bezpečnoeť, za účelom modelovania adekvátneho spotrebiteľského správania" 2019 - 2021, riešiteľ /

Projekt KEGA 002EU-4/2019 "Integrating and systematizing the results of scientific research in the field of consumer protection with a primary orientation on food security in order to model adequate consumer behavior", 2019 -2021

Projekt VEGA 1/0340/19 "Podnikateľský rozmer podnikov kreatívneho priemyslu v kontexte inteligentného rastu" 2019 -2021, riešiteľ /

Projekt VEGA 1/0340/19 “The Entrepreneurial Dimension of Creative industries in the Context of Innovation and Smart Growth”, 2019 - 2021

Projekt VEGA 1/0128/15 "Faktory zvyšovania výkonnosti poľnohospodárskych podnikov vo väzbe na rozvoj vidieka a zabezpečenie primeranej potravinovej sebestačnosti" 2015 - 2017, zodpovedný riešiteľ - vedúci projektu /

Projekt VEGA 1/0128/15 “Factors increasing the efficiency of agricultural enterprises in relation to the rural development and ensuring of the food self-sufficiency” 2015 - 2021, Project Leader

Projekt VEGA 1/0582/22 "Dimenzie medzisektorového podnikania subjektov kultúrneho a kreatívneho priemyslu v kontexte trvalo udržateľného rozvoja! / Riešiteľ, 2022 - 2024

Projekt VEGA 1/0582/22 "Dimensions of cross-sectoral entrepreneurship of cultural and creative industry entities in the context of sustainable development" 2022 - 2024

Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies
Faculty of Business Management UE in Bratislava
2016 - 2022

Member of the Scientific council
Faculty of Business Management UE in Bratislava
2016 - 2022

Executive Editor of the Scientific Journal Economics and Management
2016 - / lasts
Nadácia Manažér / Foundation Manazer

scientific secretary
Department of Business Economy, Faculty of Business Management UE in Bratislava
2023 - / lasts

Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Fakulty of Busines Administration, Budapest, Hungary
01.04.1999 -30.04.1999,
CEEPUS Mobility grant