Ing. Martina Mateášová, PhD.

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Informatics

Department: Department of Accounting and Auditing

Position: Assistant professor



Current and previous employment

Assistant professor
Depratment of Accounting and Auditing, Faculty of Economic Informatics
from 2003

Chief accountant
ABB, s.r.o.
from 2003 to 01/2021

Accounting and tax specialist
Hitachi Energy Slovakia, s. r. o.
od 02/2021

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

Pedagogical education
Department of Education University of Economics in Bratislava



SAP program

Number of defended theses

Bachelor's (first degree): 30

Diploma (second degree): 79

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 4

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 21

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

AFC: Financial Bilinqualism as a Seccess Factor for Effective Business Combination Projeckt: The Case of US Investor. 2019 European Financial Systems.

AFC: Analysis of tax burden in the Slovak Republik with emphasis on depreciation. In Annual conference on finance and accouting. 2016

AFC: Capital stock in limited companies according to legislation in Slovakia. In Účetnictví a auditing v procesu světové harmonizace.

AFC: The Ethical aspect of the business in insurance in the conditions of a globalized financial market. In Financial management of firms and financial institutions. 2015

AAB: Využitie elektronického finančného vykazovania na báze jazyka XBRL: monografia. 2018

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

AFC: Financial Bilinqualism as a Seccess Factor for Effective Business Combination Projeckt: The Case of US Investor. 2019 European Financial Systems.

AFC: Analysis of tax burden in the Slovak Republik with emphasis on depreciation. In Annual conference on finance and accouting. 2016

AFC: Capital stock in limited companies according to legislation in Slovakia. In Účetnictví a auditing v procesu světové harmonizace.

AFC: The Ethical aspect of the business in insurance in the conditions of a globalized financial market. In Financial management of firms and financial institutions. 2015

AAB: Využitie elektronického finančného vykazovania na báze jazyka XBRL: monografia. 2018

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

"VEGA č. 1/0121/21 Analýza vplyvu krízy súvisiacej s COVID-19 na finančné zdravie subjektov v Slovenskej republike. Spoluriešiteľka, 2021 - 2023"

"VEGA č. 1/0935/16 Využitie elektronického finančného vykazovania na báze jazyka XBRL. Spoluriešiteľka, 2016 - 2018"

"VEGA č. 1/0486/14 Význam oceňovania transakcií medzi závislými osobami a ich vplyv na výsledok hospodárenia účtovnej jednotky. Spoluriešiteľka, 2014 - 2016"

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

"VEGA č. 1/0121/21 Analýza vplyvu krízy súvisiacej s COVID-19 na finančné zdravie subjektov v Slovenskej republike. Spoluriešiteľka, 2021 - 2023"

"VEGA č. 1/0935/16 Využitie elektronického finančného vykazovania na báze jazyka XBRL. Spoluriešiteľka, 2016 - 2018"

"VEGA č. 1/0486/14 Význam oceňovania transakcií medzi závislými osobami a ich vplyv na výsledok hospodárenia účtovnej jednotky. Spoluriešiteľka, 2014 - 2016"