doc. Ing. Marta Martincová, CSc.

Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Finance

Department: Department of Economic Theory

Position: Associate Professor



Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person

Second degree of higher education

Study field and programme: National Economy, 1978, University of Economics

Third degree of higher education

Study field and programme: National Economy, 1988, University of Economics

Associate professor

Study field and programme: National Economy, 2000, University of Economics

Current and previous employment

Assistant of Professor
University of Economics
1978 - 1999

Associate Professor
University of Economics
2000 -

Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

Number of defended theses

Bakalárske (prvý stupeň): 10

Diplomové (druhý stupeň): 20

Dizertačné (tretí stupeň): 5

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 26

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 26

Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 2

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

Martincová, M.: Nezamestnanosť ako makroekonomický problém, Iura Edition 2005

Lisý a kol.: Ekonómia, Iura Edition, 2015

Čaplánová,A., Martincová,M.: Inflácia, nezamestnanosť a ľudský kapitál z makroekonomického pohľadu, Wolters Kluver, 2014

Youth unemployment in the labor market of Slovak Republic. - Registered: Web of Science. In SGEM 2016. International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts. SGEM 2016: 3rd International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts, 24 - 30 august 2016, Albena , Bulgaria. - Sofia: STEF 92 Technology 2016

Martincová, M.: Theoretical aspect of correlation between economic growth and unemployment. In: Wspolczesne wyzwania rozwoja gospodarczego, polityka i kreacja potencjalu: stuktura gospodarki - rynek praci- šrodowisko i jakošč žycia. - Bialystok: Uniwersytet v Bialymstoku, 2015

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

Lisý a kol.: Ekonómia, Iura Edition, 2015

Čaplánová,A., Martincová,M.: Inflácia, nezamestnanosť a ľudský kapitál z makroekonomického pohľadu, Wolters Kluver, 2014

Youth unemployment in the labor market of Slovak Republic. - Registered: Web of Science. In SGEM 2016. International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts. SGEM 2016: 3rd International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences and arts, 24 - 30 august 2016, Albena , Bulgaria. - Sofia: STEF 92 Technology 2016

Martincová, M.: Theoretical aspect of correlation between economic growth and unemployment. In: Wspolczesne wyzwania rozwoja gospodarczego, polityka i kreacja potencjalu: stuktura gospodarki - rynek praci- šrodowisko i jakošč žycia. - Bialystok: Uniwersytet v Bialymstoku, 2015

Martincová, M.: Human Capital, Innovation and Flexibility of the Labor Force as a Source of Economic Growth. In : International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy. - Dubai: J.A. Alpha Business Reseach and Publishers. ISSN 1222 - 1235 online

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

VEGA 1/0409/14 Comparison of economic systems. Aim of the project: The project was focused on the comparison of approaches to interventions in the economy in different types of mixed economies. Project leader: doc. Ing. Piovarčiová Veronika, PhD. Member of research team. Solution time 2014-2017.

VEGA 1/0246/16 Efficiensy of fiscal and monetary policies during economic cycle.. Aim of the project: The project was focused on the issue of the economic cycle and the analysis of the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary incentives to mitigate its consequences. Project leader: prf. Ing. Ján Lisý, PhD. Member of research team. Solution time 2016-2019.

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

VEGA 1/0409/14 Comparison of economic systems. Aim of the project: The project was focused on the comparison of approaches to interventions in the economy in different types of mixed economies. Project leader: doc. Ing. Piovarčiová Veronika, PhD. Member of research team. Solution time 2014-2017.

VEGA 1/0246/16 Efficiensy of fiscal and monetary policies during economic cycle.. Aim of the project: The project was focused on the issue of the economic cycle and the analysis of the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary incentives to mitigate its consequences. Project leader: prf. Ing. Ján Lisý, PhD. Member of research team. Solution time 2016-2019.

Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

Head of the Department of Macroeconomics
Department of Economic Theory