Ing. Lenka Kalusová, PhD.

Faculty: Faculty of Business Management

Department: Department of Business Finance

Position: functional position of associate professor



Current and previous employment

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business Management University of Economics In Bratislava

functional position of associate professor
Faculty of Business Management University of Economics In Bratislava

Number of defended theses

Bakalárske (prvý stupeň): 39

Diplomové (druhý stupeň): 25

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 6

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 19

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

AAA - BIKÁR, Miloš - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka. Asset Allocation in the Financial and Non-Financial Companies. 2021

ADD - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka - BADURA, Peter. Factors Affecting the Capital Allocation into Fixed Assets of Slovak Enterprises. 2022

ADD - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka. Skúmanie odvetvových diferencií medzi faktormi determinujúcimi finančnú štruktúru slovenských a českých podnikov. 2015 ADM - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka - BADURA, Peter. Factors determining the financial structure of Czech and Slovak agricultural enterprises. 2017. ADM - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka - BADURA, Peter. Differences in the Financial Structure of Slovak and Czech Enterprises Operating in Machinery Manufacturing and Equipment Industry. 2020.

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

AAA - BIKÁR, Miloš - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka. Asset Allocation in the Financial and Non-Financial Companies. 2021

ADD - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka - BADURA, Peter. Factors Affecting the Capital Allocation into Fixed Assets of Slovak Enterprises. 2022

ADE - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka - BADURA, Peter - SEDLIAČIKOVÁ, Mariana - VAVROVÁ, Katarína. Factors Affecting the Financial Structure of Slovak and Czech Enterprises in the Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment Industry. 2018

ADE- BADURA, Peter - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka, KMEŤKO, MIroslav - SEDLIAČIKOVÁ, Mariana - VAVROVÁ, Katarína. Precious Metals Market in the New Millennium. 2018.

ADM - KALUSOVÁ, Lenka - BADURA, Peter. Differences in the Financial Structure of Slovak and Czech Enterprises Operating in Machinery Manufacturing and Equipment Industry. 2020.

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

VEGA no. 1/0375/20 - Co-researcher. New dimension in the development of production management and logistics under the influence of Industry 4.0 in enterprises in Slovakia. Project leader: Ing. Patrik Richnák, Ph.D. 2020 - 2022

VEGA no. 1/0007/19 - Deputy Project Manager.Allocation of assets in a low interest rates environment in the financial and non-financial corporations in the Slovak Republic. Project leader: Ing. Milos Bikar, PhD. 2019 - 2021

VEGA no. 1/0404/16 - Co-researcher. Financial challenges after the last global financial crisis and opportunities for the development of the Slovak capital market. Project leader (2016-2017): prof. Ing. Bozena Hrvolova, CSc. Project leader (2018): Ing. Peter Badura, PhD. 2016 - 2018.

VEGA no. 1/0007/16 - Co-researcher. The impact of the development of the global economy and trends in the direction of the euro area economy on the financial management of business entities operating in the Slovak Republic. Project leader: Ing. Milos Bikar, PhD. 2016 - 2018.

VEGA č. 1/0359/23 - Zástupca vedúceho projektu - Implementácia súčasných relevantných determinantov finančnej výkonnosti podniku do systému včasného varovania hroziaceho úpadku. Doba riešenia projektu 2023-2025.

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

VEGA no. 1/0375/20 - Co-researcher. New dimension in the development of production management and logistics under the influence of Industry 4.0 in enterprises in Slovakia. Project leader: Ing. Patrik Richnák, Ph.D. 2020 - 2022

VEGA no. 1/0007/19 - Deputy Project Manager.Allocation of assets in a low interest rates environment in the financial and non-financial corporations in the Slovak Republic. Project leader: Ing. Milos Bikar, PhD. 2019 - 2021

VEGA no. 1/0404/16 - Co-researcher. Financial challenges after the last global financial crisis and opportunities for the development of the Slovak capital market. Project leader (2016-2017): prof. Ing. Bozena Hrvolova, CSc. Project leader (2018): Ing. Peter Badura, PhD. 2016 - 2018.

VEGA no. 1/0007/16 - Co-researcher. The impact of the development of the global economy and trends in the direction of the euro area economy on the financial management of business entities operating in the Slovak Republic. Project leader: Ing. Milos Bikar, PhD. 2016 - 2018.

VEGA č. 1/0359/23 - Zástupca vedúceho projektu - Implementácia súčasných relevantných determinantov finančnej výkonnosti podniku do systému včasného varovania hroziaceho úpadku. Doba riešenia projektu 2023-2025.

Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Tolstého 16, 586 01 Jihlava, Czech Republic
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Havlíčkovov nábřeží 38A, 701 21 Ostrava 1, Czech Republic
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 2172/15, 708 00 Ostrava 8, Czech Republic