associate professor
University of Economics in Bratislava
09/2021 - present
assistant professor
University of Economics in Bratislava
09/2009 - 08/2021
Institute for Labor and Family Research
2009 - 2015
Bratislava University of Economics and Management
2009 - 2011
Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills
Managing emotions in times of uncertainty and stress (8 týždňový online kurz – Yale University) - Yale University
The science of well-being (10 týždňový online kurz – Yale University) - Yale University
Conversation in English
The Bridge - language school
2017, 2018
Educational minimum: Pedagogical basis
Faculty of National Economiy
Number of defended theses
Bachelor's (first degree): 38
Diploma (second degree): 39
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 7
Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 48
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs
ADC JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Katarína - BLŠTÁKOVÁ, Jana. Diversity Management as a Tool for Sustainable Development of Health Care Facilities. In Sustainability : [International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability]. - Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, vol. 12, no. 13, pp. [1-22] online. (2020 - Current Contents).
"ADC JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana - BLŠTÁKOVÁ, Jana - SKORKOVÁ, Zuzana - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Katarína. Leading Employees Through the Crises: Key Competences of Crises Management in Healthcare Facilities in Coronavirus Pandemic. In Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. - [Wellington] : Dove Medical Press. ISSN 1179-1594, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 561-573 online. VEGA 1/0017/20, VEGA 1/0412/19. "
ADM The Way to Business Competitiveness: The Importance of Diversity Management and Teamwork Climate in Stabilizing of Employees / Nadežda Jankelová, Zuzana Joniaková, Katarína Procházková. - VEGA 1/0017/20, VEGA 1/0412/19.
In: Journal of Business Economics and Management. - Vilnius : Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. - ISSN 2029-4433. - Vol. 23, no. 3 (2022), pp. 606-625 online.
ADM JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana - BLŠTÁKOVÁ, Jana - SKORKOVÁ, Zuzana - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Katarína. Leading Employees Through the Crises: Key Competences of Crises Management in Healthcare Facilities in Coronavirus Pandemic. In Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. - [Wellington] : Dove Medical Press. ISSN 1179-1594, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 561-573 online. VEGA 1/0017/20, VEGA 1/0412/19.
ADM JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana - BLŠTÁKOVÁ, Jana - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Katarína - SKORKOVÁ, Zuzana - ABULADZE, Lasha. How Companies Overcome Crisis through the Sharing of Information and Teamwork Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues : Peer-reviewed Scientific Journal. - Vilnius : The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. ISSN 2345-0282, 2021, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 757-772 online. VEGA 1/0017/20, VEGA 1/0412/19.
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years
ADC JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Katarína - BLŠTÁKOVÁ, Jana. Diversity Management as a Tool for Sustainable Development of Health Care Facilities. In Sustainability : [International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability]. - Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, vol. 12, no. 13, pp. [1-22] online. (2020 - Current Contents).
"ADC JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana - BLŠTÁKOVÁ, Jana - SKORKOVÁ, Zuzana - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Katarína. Leading Employees Through the Crises: Key Competences of Crises Management in Healthcare Facilities in Coronavirus Pandemic. In Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. - [Wellington] : Dove Medical Press. ISSN 1179-1594, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 561-573 online. VEGA 1/0017/20, VEGA 1/0412/19.
ADM The Way to Business Competitiveness: The Importance of Diversity Management and Teamwork Climate in Stabilizing of Employees / Nadežda Jankelová, Zuzana Joniaková, Katarína Procházková. - VEGA 1/0017/20, VEGA 1/0412/19.
In: Journal of Business Economics and Management. - Vilnius : Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. - ISSN 2029-4433. - Vol. 23, no. 3 (2022), pp. 606-625 online.
ADM JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana - BLŠTÁKOVÁ, Jana - SKORKOVÁ, Zuzana - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Katarína. Leading Employees Through the Crises: Key Competences of Crises Management in Healthcare Facilities in Coronavirus Pandemic. In Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. - [Wellington] : Dove Medical Press. ISSN 1179-1594, 2021, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 561-573 online. VEGA 1/0017/20, VEGA 1/0412/19.
AAA BEDNÁR, Richard - PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Katarína - ZAGORŠEK, Branislav. Strategies and Business Models of Startups. Reviewers: Michal Varmus, Katarína Chomová. 1st Edition. Brno : Tribun EU, [2018]. 122 s. [9,3 AH]. ISBN 978-80-263-1508-7.
The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
KEGA MŠVVaŠ SR č. 001EU-4/2021: Projekt študijného programu v študijnom odbore ekonómia a manažment, refektujúci podmienky digitálnej doby, apel udržateľnosti hospodárskej činnosti a globálneho občianstva /Project of a study program in the field of study economics and management, reflecting the conditions of the digital age, the appeal of the sustainability of economic activity and global citizenship (2021-2024)
VEGA MŠVVaŠ SR č. č. 1/0623/22 Virtualizácia v riadení ľudí - životný cyklus zamestnanca v podniku v digitálnej transformácii. (2022-2024)
VEGA MŠ SR VEGA 1/0017/20 Zmeny v uplatňovaní manažérskych funkcií v kontexte štvrtej priemyselnej revolúcie a adaptačné procesy podnikov na Slovensku / Changes in the application of managerial functions in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and adaptation processes of companies in Slovakia (2020 – 2022)
VEGA MŠ SR č. 1/0631/19 Metamorfózy startupov na ceste za podnikateľským úspechom / Metamorphoses of startups on the way to business success (2019-2021)
VEGA č. 1/0109/17 Inovatívne prístupy v manažmente a ich vplyv na konkurencieschopnosť a úspešnosť podnikov v podmienkach globalizujúcej sa ekonomiky / Innovative approaches in management and their impact on the competitiveness and success of companies in a globalizing economy (2017 – 2019)
Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years
KEGA MŠVVaŠ SR č. 001EU-4/2021: Projekt študijného programu v študijnom odbore ekonómia a manažment, refektujúci podmienky digitálnej doby, apel udržateľnosti hospodárskej činnosti a globálneho občianstva /Project of a study program in the field of study economics and management, reflecting the conditions of the digital age, the appeal of the sustainability of economic activity and global citizenship (2021-2024)
VEGA MŠVVaŠ SR č. č. 1/0623/22 Virtualizácia v riadení ľudí - životný cyklus zamestnanca v podniku v digitálnej transformácii. (2022-2024)
VEGA MŠ SR VEGA 1/0017/20 Zmeny v uplatňovaní manažérskych funkcií v kontexte štvrtej priemyselnej revolúcie a adaptačné procesy podnikov na Slovensku / Changes in the application of managerial functions in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and adaptation processes of companies in Slovakia (2020 – 2022)
VEGA MŠ SR č. 1/0631/19 Metamorfózy startupov na ceste za podnikateľským úspechom / Metamorphoses of startups on the way to business success (2019-2021)
VEGA č. 1/0109/17 Inovatívne prístupy v manažmente a ich vplyv na konkurencieschopnosť a úspešnosť podnikov v podmienkach globalizujúcej sa ekonomiky / Innovative approaches in management and their impact on the competitiveness and success of companies in a globalizing economy (2017 – 2019)
Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities
International Business Consulting Programm - university mentor
University of Economics and University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
summer school 2019,2018, 2017
Virtual Teams Cooperation - International Teams Case Study - course mentor
University of Economics and University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
summer semester 2020, 2021
Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study
Institute of Business Communication, Lisabon Portugalsko / Lisboa Portugal
April 2019,
Erasmus plus
Prague university of Econoics and Business, Praha Česká republika / Prague Czech Republic
March 2018,
University of Split, Split Chorvátsko / Split Croatia
April 2017,
Erasmus plus
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin
January 2023 - July 2023,
Fulbrihgt program - Scholar in Residence