Ing. Henrieta Harcsová
Faculty: Faculty of Commerce
Department: Department of Tourism
Position: Internal doctoral student
Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person
Second degree of higher education
Study field and programme: Economy and management, Management of tourism, 2022, University of Economics in Bratislava
Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills
State language exam - english language
Prvá jazyková škola
Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university
Number of defended theses
Bachelor's (first degree): 4
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study
Vienna University of Business and Economics, Welthandelspl. 1 1020 Vienna Austria
3 months,
Mobility - identification and evaluation of already existing innovative policies and innovation systems abroad as well as in Austria. The goal of foreign mobility is the collection and synthesis of the necessary data for research and deepening of information and theoretical starting points, participation in statistics workshops and participation in international project.