Ing. Eva Belvončíková, PhD., MA

Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Finance

Department: Department of Public Administration and Regional Development

Position: researcher



Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person

Second degree of higher education

Study field and programme: public economics and administration/Contemporary European Studies, 1999/2001, Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University/University of Sussex, Brighton

Third degree of higher education

Study field and programme: public administration and regional development, 2017, University of Economics in Bratislava

Current and previous employment

part-time researcher
Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University
October 1998 - June 1999

Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University
October 2003 - December 2003

university teacher - assistant professor
Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University
January 2004 - January 2005

University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of National Economy
February 2005 - present

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

CAE Certificate in English (C1 Advanced)
University of Cambridge


Teaching Skills Development to Improve Student Learning (SEDA Learning, Teaching and Assessing Award)
SEDA Staff and Educational Development Association

Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

Number of defended theses

Bachelor's (first degree): 3

Diploma (second degree): 8

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 9

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 7

Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 1

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

Coworking Spaces and Mid-Sized Cities in Peripheral Contexts: Conceptualising Development Trajectories / Lukáš Danko, Pavel Bednář, Gabor Lux, Judit Kalman, Eva Belvončíková, Réka Horeczki, Dóra Bálint. - VEGA 1/0249/22, CA18214, LTC20047. In: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie = Journal of Economic and Human Geography. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons. - ISSN 0040-747X. - Vol. 115, no. 5 (2024), pp. 706-720.

Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADM

One Literacy and Multiple Intelligences? The Case of Media Literacy / Eva Belvončíková, Denisa Čiderová. - KEGA 003EU-4/2022, Erasmus+ 2020-1-SK01-KA203-078299. In: Media Literacy and Academic Research. - Trnava : Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave. - ISSN 2585-8726. - Vol. 5, no. 2 (2022), pp. 54-70. (2022: 1.1 - IF).

Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADN

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Influence on Coworking Spaces in Slovakia: West–East Division / Eva Belvončíková, Lukáš Danko, Oliver Rafaj.In: European Narratives on Remote Working and Coworking During the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Multidisciplinary Perspective / Editors: Mina Akhavan, Marco Hölzel, Divya Leducq. - Cham : Springer Cham, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-031-26018-6 . - ISSN 2191-5318 (e-ISSN). - Pp. 83-95.

Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

Work-life Balance Services in Coworking Spaces and the Impact of COVID-19 / Lenka Smékalová, Jana Matošková, Eva Belvončíková, J. Kalman, Zuzana Crhová. - VEGA 1/0249/22, COST Action CA18214. In: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces [elektronický zdroj]. - New York : Routledge, 2022. - ISBN 978-1-003-18116-3. - Pp. 242-255 online.

Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

Caring Practices in and Beyond Coworking Spaces / Janet Merkel, Eva Belvončíková, Vika Zhurbas-Litvin. - VEGA 1/0249/22. In: Evolution of New Working Spaces [elektronický zdroj] : Changing Nature and Geographies. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024. - ISBN 978-3-031-50867-7. - Pp. 59-70.

Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

PÁSTOR, Rudolf - BELVONČÍKOVÁ, Eva. Global value chains: upgrading of the Slovak clothing industry. Registrovaný: Web of Science. In How to benefit from global value chains - implications for the V4 countries : proceedings from the international conference : Prague, on June 6, 2015. - Praha : Vysoká škola ekonomická, Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2015. ISBN 978-80-245-2111-4, p. 116-147. Dostupné na : .

Možnosti aplikácie metód a nástrojov "smart governance" na lokálnej a regionálnej úrovni / Eva Belvončíková, Tomáš Černěnko, Radoslav Delina, Radovan Dráb, Peter Džupka ... [et al.]. - 1. vydanie. - Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2023. - 175 s. [8,75 AH] [8,75 AH]. - APVV-19-0263. - ISBN 978-80-553-4411-9 Kategória publikácie do 2021: BAB

The Localization of Different Types of New Working Spaces in Central Europe / Oliver Rafaj, Lukáš Danko, Shifu Zhang, Eva Belvončíková. - VEGA 1/0249/22, Chinese Scholarship Council, no. 202006160029, COST Action CA18214, INTER-COST, LTC20047. In: Evolution of New Working Spaces [elektronický zdroj] : Changing Nature and Geographies. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024. - ISBN 978-3-031-50867-7. - Pp. 119-127. Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

MARKOVÁ, Viera - ŠVANTNEROVÁ, Ľubica - ŠVIHLOVÁ, Dana - KOŽIAK, Radoslav - SEKEREŠOVÁ, Eva. Analýza ekonomických, sociálnych, legislatívnych a daňových podmienok na podnikanie v Slovenskej republike (Analysis of economic, social, legislative and tax conditions for doing business in the Slovak Republic) . In Analýza podnikateľského prostredia a bariér absorpčnej schopnosti regiónov / ed. Milan Buček, Jozef Tvrdoň ; rec. Jozef Búšik, Jan Malinovský. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm, 2007. - ISBN 978-80-225-2358-5. - S. 29-55.

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

Coworking Spaces and Mid-Sized Cities in Peripheral Contexts: Conceptualising Development Trajectories / Lukáš Danko, Pavel Bednář, Gabor Lux, Judit Kalman, Eva Belvončíková, Réka Horeczki, Dóra Bálint. - VEGA 1/0249/22, CA18214, LTC20047. In: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie = Journal of Economic and Human Geography. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons. - ISSN 0040-747X. - Vol. 115, no. 5 (2024), pp. 706-720.

Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADM

One Literacy and Multiple Intelligences? The Case of Media Literacy / Eva Belvončíková, Denisa Čiderová. - KEGA 003EU-4/2022, Erasmus+ 2020-1-SK01-KA203-078299. In: Media Literacy and Academic Research. - Trnava : Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave. - ISSN 2585-8726. - Vol. 5, no. 2 (2022), pp. 54-70. (2022: 1.1 - IF). Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADN

Media Literacy In Higher Education: "Know-Where" and "Know-Whether"… Know-Why to Know Better? / Denisa Čiderová, Eva Belvončíková. - Erasmus+ 2020-1-SK01-KA203-078299, KEGA 003EU-4/2022. In: Media Literacy and Academic Research. - Trnava : Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave. - ISSN 2585-8726. - Vol. 7, no. 1 (2024), pp. 26-50. Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADN

Caring Practices in and Beyond Coworking Spaces / Janet Merkel, Eva Belvončíková, Vika Zhurbas-Litvin. - VEGA 1/0249/22. In: Evolution of New Working Spaces [elektronický zdroj] : Changing Nature and Geographies. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024. - ISBN 978-3-031-50867-7. - Pp. 59-70. Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Influence on Coworking Spaces in Slovakia: West–East Division / Eva Belvončíková, Lukáš Danko, Oliver Rafaj. In: European Narratives on Remote Working and Coworking During the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Multidisciplinary Perspective / Editors: Mina Akhavan, Marco Hölzel, Divya Leducq. - Cham : Springer Cham, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-031-26018-6 . - ISSN 2191-5318 (e-ISSN). - Pp. 83-95. Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

The Localization of Different Types of New Working Spaces in Central Europe / Oliver Rafaj, Lukáš Danko, Shifu Zhang, Eva Belvončíková. - VEGA 1/0249/22, Chinese Scholarship Council, no. 202006160029, COST Action CA18214, INTER-COST, LTC20047. In: Evolution of New Working Spaces [elektronický zdroj] : Changing Nature and Geographies. - Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024. - ISBN 978-3-031-50867-7. - Pp. 119-127. Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

Work-life Balance Services in Coworking Spaces and the Impact of COVID-19 / Lenka Smékalová, Jana Matošková, Eva Belvončíková, J. Kalman, Zuzana Crhová. - VEGA 1/0249/22, COST Action CA18214. In: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces [elektronický zdroj]. - New York : Routledge, 2022. - ISBN 978-1-003-18116-3. - Pp. 242-255 online.

Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

BELVONČÍKOVÁ, Eva. Univerzitné patenty v EU28: Priestorová dimenzia v EU15 verzus EU13 (University patents in EU28: spatial dimension in EU15 versus EU13). In Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. 24. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách : sborník příspěvků, Brno, 2021. - Brno : Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2021. ISBN 978-80-210-9896-1, s. 41-48 online. VEGA 1/0774/19.

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

Researcher (2019-2023) COST ACTION CA18214 The geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery ( The focus of the project is on identification of New Working Spaces (such as coworkings, makerspaces, fab labs and others) in urban and rural regions. The main aim of the project is to describe relations between these organizations and surrounding actors.

Principal investigator/Main researcher (2022-2024) VEGA 1/0249/22 Coworkings and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic - opportunities for urban economic development. The aim of the project is to analyse trends in the localization of coworkings in Slovakia affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and to examine their significance in the urban economy. The main benefits will be a comprehensive research on CW in Slovakia and the formulation of recommendations for local actors to set support for development policies.

Researcher (2020-2023) APVV-19-0263 Possibilities of smart governance methods application on local and regional level ( main objective of the project is to develop and validate a methodology for supporting key decisions in the area of operational spending, investment and local policy modeling, based on data-supported modeling and aimed at increasing the efficiency and societal benefits of decision-making processes in local governments. 

Researcher (2023-2027) APVV-22-0183 European dimension of knowledge creation in regions. The project focuses on the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the regions primarily through universities as one of the actors of knowledge creation, and will explore publications and patents as knowledge outputs.

Researcher (2019-2022) VEGA 1/0774/19 The accumulation of human capital in regions – economic and social consequences ( The project is focused on the identification of economic and social consequences of the accumulation of human capital in urban and rural regions.

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

Researcher (2019-2023) COST ACTION CA18214 The geography of New Working Spaces and the impact on the periphery ( The focus of the project is on identification of New Working Spaces (such as coworkings, makerspaces, fab labs and others) in urban and rural regions. The main aim of the project is to describe relations between these organizations and surrounding actors.

Principal investigator/Main researcher (2022-2024) VEGA 1/0249/22 Coworkings and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic - opportunities for urban economic development. The aim of the project is to analyse trends in the localization of coworkings in Slovakia affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and to examine their significance in the urban economy. The main benefits will be a comprehensive research on CW in Slovakia and the formulation of recommendations for local actors to set support for development policies.

Researcher (2020-2023) APVV-19-0263 Possibilities of smart governance methods application on local and regional level ( main objective of the project is to develop and validate a methodology for supporting key decisions in the area of operational spending, investment and local policy modeling, based on data-supported modeling and aimed at increasing the efficiency and societal benefits of decision-making processes in local governments. 

Researcher (2023-2027) APVV-22-0183 European dimension of knowledge creation in regions. The project focuses on the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the regions primarily through universities as one of the actors of knowledge creation, and will explore publications and patents as knowledge outputs.

Researcher (2019-2022) VEGA 1/0774/19 The accumulation of human capital in regions – economic and social consequences ( The project is focused on the identification of economic and social consequences of the accumulation of human capital in urban and rural regions.

Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

Slovak section of the European Regional Science Association
2012 - present

Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

CEU Summer University, Budapest, Hungary
10-21 July 2000,
CEU Summer School
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
17-26 July 2002,
European Summer School in Local Government Studies
DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte, Lisbon, Portugal
15 - 27 June 2022,
STSM (Short-term scientific mission) within COST CA18214 project
DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte, Lisbon, Portugal
23-27 October 2024,