prof. Dr. Ing. Anna Polednáková

Faculty: University of Economics in Bratislava

Department: Ústav medzinárodných vzťahov

Position: associate professor


Current and previous employment

University of Economics in Bratislava

Associate Professor
University of Economics in Bratislava

Assistant of professor
University of Economics in Bratislava

University of Economics in Bratislava

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

Educational minimum
University of Economics in Bratislava

Eindhoven University Holland

1998 internship University

University of Bedfordshire, UK

Number of defended theses

Bachelor's (first degree): 3

Diploma (second degree): 168

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 39

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 36

Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 2

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

REŽŇÁKOVÁ, M - SVOBODA, P. - POLEDNÁKOVÁ, A.. Determinants of capital structure: empirical evidence from Slovakia. -

Registrovaný vo: Web of Science, Registrovaný vo: Scopus. In Ekonomický časopis : časopis pre ekonomickú teóriu a hospodársku

politiku, spoločensko-ekonomické prognózovanie = journal for economic theory, economic policy, social and economic forecasting. -

Bratislava : Ekonomický ústav SAV : Prognostický ústav SAV, 2010. ISSN 0013-3035, 2010, roč. 58, č. 3, s. 237-250. citácii 10, Scopus

- SZARKOVÁ, Miroslava [1,55 AH]. Vplyv finančných trhov na finančné riadenie podnikov pôsobiacich v SR a ČR v kontexte

súčasných globálnych procesov. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2011. 175 s. [9,46 AH]. APVV SK-CZ-0108-09. ISBN


AAB POLEDNÁKOVÁ, A.: [1,11 AH] - HRVOĽOVÁ, Božena [1,10 AH] - SZARKOVÁ, Miroslava [1,10 AH] - BIKÁR, Miloš [1,09 AH] -

KMEŤKO, Miroslav [1,09 AH] - MIKLOŠ, Miroslav [1,09 AH] - KUBRANOVÁ, Magdaléna [1,10 AH] - SZÁRAZOVÁ, Gabriela [1,09 AH].

Optimalizácia finančného riadenia podnikov pôsobiacich v SR v kontexte súčasných globálnych problémov. 1. vyd. Bratislava :

Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2011. 156 s. [9 AH]. VEGA 1/0415/10. ISBN 978-80-225-3343-0.

HRVOĽOVÁ, Božena [1,1 AH] - POLEDNÁKOVÁ, Anna [1,1 AH] - SZARKOVÁ, Miroslava [1,1 AH] - KRÁSNA, Slávka [1,1 AH] - MARKOVÁ,

Jana [0,61 AH]. Ekonomické a sociálne nástroje ako faktor tvorby pracovných miest. Recenzenti: Jozef Králik, Jaroslav Kita, Gabriela

Gabrhelová. 1. vyd. Brno : Tribun EU, 2017. 123 s. [5,01 AH]. VEGA 1/0662/15. ISBN 978-80-263-1166-9.

POLEDNÁKOVÁ, Anna. Human Aspects in Post-Acquisition Integration of Companies. Reviewers: Elena Fetisovová, Marta

Matulčíková. 1. vydání. České Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2020. 54 s. [3 AH]. VEGA 1/0309/18. ISBN


The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

POLEDNÁKOVÁ, Anna. Human Aspects in Post-Acquisition Integration of Companies. Reviewers: Elena Fetisovová, Marta

Matulčíková. 1. vydání


Possibilities of Social Networks in Personnel Marketing. Reviewers: Pavol Kita, Jozef Králik, Miroslava Szarková. 1st Edition. České

Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2019. 79 s. [6,06 AH]. VEGA 1/0309/18. ISBN 978-80-7556-046-9.

HRVOĽOVÁ, Božena - POLEDNÁKOVÁ, Anna - SZARKOVÁ, Miroslava - KRÁSNA, Slávka - MARKOVÁ, Jana. Ekonomické a sociálne

nástroje ako faktor tvorby pracovných miest. Recenzenti: Jozef Králik, Jaroslav Kita, Gabriela Gabrhelová. 1. vyd. Brno : Tribun EU,

2017. 123 s. [5,01 AH]. VEGA 1/0662/15. ISBN 978-80-263-1166-9.

BAA01 HRVOĽOVÁ, Božena - POLEDNÁKOVÁ, Anna - NAGY, Ladislav. Financie v praxi a sociálne siete. Recenzenti: Miloš Bikár, Katarína

Vavrová. 1. vydanie. České Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2019. [157 s.] [7,50 AH]. VEGA 1/0309/18. ISBN


AAB Vedecké monografie vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách AAB01 POLEČOVÁ, Petra - BIKÁR, Miloš - POLEDNÁKOVÁ, Anna.

Alokácia aktív v prostredí nízkych úrokových mier. Recenzovali: Mária Režňáková, Elena Fetisovová. 1. vydanie. Bratislava :

Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. 175 s. [12,29 AH]. VEGA 1/0007/19. ISBN 978-80-225-4884-7.

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

VEGA 1/ 0053/ 12: "Personal marketing and personnel management in small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of economic


Solution period 2012-2014

Deputy chief solver.

VEGA 1/ 0662/ 115 "Economic-social tools as a factor in job creation in enterprises"

Time frame 2015-2017

Leader of the solving team.

VEGA 1/ 0404/ 16: "Financial challenges after the last global financial crisis and possibilities for the development of the Slovak capital market". Time

solutions 2016-2018

Member of the solution team

VEGA. 1/0309/18 "Social networks in human resources management"

Solution period 2018-2020

Member of the research team

VEGA 1/0007/19." Asset allocation in an environment of low interest rates in financial and non-financial enterprises in Slovakia. Solution time 2019-2021

Member of the research team

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

VEGA 1/ 0053/ 12: "Personal marketing and personnel management in small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of economic


Solution period 2012-2014

Deputy chief solver.

VEGA 1/ 0662/ 115 "Economic-social tools as a factor in job creation in enterprises"

Time frame 2015-2017

Leader of the solving team.

VEGA 1/ 0404/ 16: "Financial challenges after the last global financial crisis and possibilities for the development of the Slovak capital market". Time

solutions 2016-2018

Member of the solution team

VEGA. 1/0309/18 "Social networks in human resources management"

Solution period 2018-2020

Member of the research team

VEGA 1/0007/19." Asset allocation in an environment of low interest rates in financial and non-financial enterprises in Slovakia. Solution time 2019-2021

Member of the research team