doc. Ing. Andrej Cupak, PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Economics and Finance
Department: Department of Banking and International Finance
Position: Associate Professor
Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person
Second degree of higher education
Study field and programme: Programme and Field: 3.3.24 Quantitative Methods in Economics, 2012, Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Third degree of higher education
Study field and programme: Programme: Economics and Management, Field: 3.3.17 Sectorial and Cross-Sectional Economies, 2015, Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Current and previous employment
Senior Researcher
National Bank of Slovakia
2020 - present
Associate Professor
Faculty of National Economy, University of Economics in Bratislava
March 2021 - present
Faculty of National Economy, University of Economics in Bratislava
2020 - Febraury 2021
Data Expert and Research Associate
LIS: Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg
2018 - January 2020
National Bank of Slovakia
2015 - January 2018
Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills
Economics Summer School
Institute of Banking Education, NBS
LIS Introductory Summer Workshop
LIS: Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg
Microeconometrics Summer School
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
Economics Summer School
Institute of Banking Education, NBS
Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university
Number of defended theses
Bakalárske (prvý stupeň): 9
Diplomové (druhý stupeň): 11
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 13
Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 101
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs
Cupák, A., Fessler, P., & Schneebaum, A. (2021). Gender differences in risky asset behavior: the importance of self-confidence and financial literacy. Finance Research Letters, 42, 101880.
Tóth, P., Cupák, A., & Rizov, M. (2021). Measuring the efficiency of VAT reforms: a demand system simulation approach. Oxford Economic Papers, 73(3), 1218-1243.
Cupák, A., Kolev, G. I., & Brokešová, Z. (2019). Financial literacy and voluntary savings for retirement: novel causal evidence. The European Journal of Finance, 25(16), 1606-1625.
Cupák, A., Fessler, P., Schneebaum, A., & Silgoner, M. (2018). Decomposing gender gaps in financial literacy: New international evidence. Economics Letters, 168, 102-106.
Cupák, A., Pokrivčák, J., & Rizov, M. (2015). Food demand and consumption patterns in the new EU member states: the case of Slovakia. Ekonomický časopis, 63(4), 339-358.
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years
Cupák, A., Fessler, P., Silgoner, M., & Ulbrich, E. (2021). Exploring differences in financial literacy across countries: the role of individual characteristics and institutions. Social Indicators Research, 158(2), 409-438.
Cupák, A., Fessler, P., & Schneebaum, A. (2021). Gender differences in risky asset behavior: the importance of self-confidence and financial literacy. Finance Research Letters, 42, 101880.
Tóth, P., Cupák, A., & Rizov, M. (2021). Measuring the efficiency of VAT reforms: a demand system simulation approach. Oxford Economic Papers, 73(3), 1218-1243.
Cupák, A., Kolev, G. I., & Brokešová, Z. (2019). Financial literacy and voluntary savings for retirement: novel causal evidence. The European Journal of Finance, 25(16), 1606-1625.
Cupák, A., Fessler, P., Schneebaum, A., & Silgoner, M. (2018). Decomposing gender gaps in financial literacy: New international evidence. Economics Letters, 168, 102-106.
The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
APVV grant No. 20-0359: “Covid-19 pandemic, macroeconomic development, food security and household wellbeing“. Current crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic sends shockwaves throughout the entire economy and society globally. In this project we focus on the effects of the crisis on welfare of consumers, food security, commodity and food prices, as well as on functioning of food supply chains. The project will study mainly the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Slovakia in particular. Recent Household Finance and Consumption Survey microdata will be used to quantify marginal propensity to save and to consume, households’ risk of falling into poverty and insolvency using state of the art microeconometric techniques. Demand models will be applied to Household budget survey data to estimate recent demand elasticities, which will be then employed to simulate the effect of food price volatility and other economic uncertainty (such as changes in employment of household member and shocks to household income) on household welfare changes. We will also use the estimated demand model parameters and predicted budget shares to simulate the effects of the pandemic on diet quality, which is one of the measures of food security and building on the household model of health production we will link the households’ diets to the health outcomes. Recent crisis has a strong effect on volatility of commodity and food prices which we will study using complex time-series econometric methods. The project will also investigate the effects of crisis on the efficiency of functioning of food supply chains and specifically on horizontal and vertical price transmission. Duration: 2021-2024. Role: principal investigator.
VEGA project No. 1/0221/21 "Interest rates in the environment with central bank digital currency ". The project focuses on the study of potential benefits and dangers for banking sector, financial markets and real economy, which could be associated with the modification of the interest rate transmission process of Monetary Policy in the Eurozone due to Central Bank Digital Currency implementation. Duration: 2021-2023. Role: investigator.
APVV grant No. 16-0321: “Food Security, Poverty and Vulnerable Groups: The Role of Policies“. A project on analysing determinants of poverty, demand for food and identification of vulnerable household groups from the food security perspective. Duration: 2017-2020. Role: investigator.
FP 7th project of the EU No. 290693: “FOODSECURE". An interdisciplinary research project to explore the future of global food and nutrition security“. Duration: 2012-2017. Role: investigator.
Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years
APVV grant No. 20-0359: “Covid-19 pandemic, macroeconomic development, food security and household wellbeing“. Current crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic sends shockwaves throughout the entire economy and society globally. In this project we focus on the effects of the crisis on welfare of consumers, food security, commodity and food prices, as well as on functioning of food supply chains. The project will study mainly the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Slovakia in particular. Recent Household Finance and Consumption Survey microdata will be used to quantify marginal propensity to save and to consume, households’ risk of falling into poverty and insolvency using state of the art microeconometric techniques. Demand models will be applied to Household budget survey data to estimate recent demand elasticities, which will be then employed to simulate the effect of food price volatility and other economic uncertainty (such as changes in employment of household member and shocks to household income) on household welfare changes. We will also use the estimated demand model parameters and predicted budget shares to simulate the effects of the pandemic on diet quality, which is one of the measures of food security and building on the household model of health production we will link the households’ diets to the health outcomes. Recent crisis has a strong effect on volatility of commodity and food prices which we will study using complex time-series econometric methods. The project will also investigate the effects of crisis on the efficiency of functioning of food supply chains and specifically on horizontal and vertical price transmission. Duration: 2021-2024. Role: principal investigator.
VEGA project No. 1/0221/21 "Interest rates in the environment with central bank digital currency ". The project focuses on the study of potential benefits and dangers for banking sector, financial markets and real economy, which could be associated with the modification of the interest rate transmission process of Monetary Policy in the Eurozone due to Central Bank Digital Currency implementation. Duration: 2021-2023. Role: investigator.
APVV grant No. 16-0321: “Food Security, Poverty and Vulnerable Groups: The Role of Policies“. A project on analysing determinants of poverty, demand for food and identification of vulnerable household groups from the food security perspective. Duration: 2017-2020. Role: investigator.
FP 7th project of the EU No. 290693: “FOODSECURE". An interdisciplinary research project to explore the future of global food and nutrition security“. Duration: 2012-2017. Role: investigator.
Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities
Lecturer at the workshop "Work in STATA"
University of Economics in Bratislava