Ing. Andrea Čambalíková, PhD.

Faculty: Faculty of Business Management

Department: Department of Management

Position: Assistent professor


Current and previous employment

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business Management UE in Bratislava

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

Master of Metrics Basics
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of National Economy

Design Thinking
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce

Strategic Persuasion
Maxman Consultants, s.r.o.

Number of defended theses

Bachelor's (first degree): 39

Diploma (second degree): 17

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 4

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 15

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

SZABO, Ľuboslav - ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea. Moderné trendy v manažmente a ich uplatňovanie v podnikoch na Slovensku. Recenzovali: Miroslav Grznár, Miroslav Majtán. 1. vyd. Brno : Tribun EU, 2017. 143 s. [7,8 AH]. VEGA 1/0109/17. ISBN 978-80-263-1365-6. ZAGORŠEKOVÁ, Natália - ČIEFOVÁ, Michaela - ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea. Competitiveness and Economic Growth in the European Union. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. - Craiova : ASERS Publishing. ISSN 2068-696X, 2017, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 2408-2418 online. I-17-107-00.

Factors Supporting the Job Satisfaction of the Middle Healthcare Management - The Role of Work Conditions, Managerial Competencies and Social Support / Nadežda Jankelová, Zuzana Joniaková, Andrea Čambalíková. - VEGA 1/0010/23 (50%), KEGA 001EU-4/2021 (50%). In: Ekonomický časopis : časopis pre ekonomickú teóriu, hospodársku politiku, spoločensko-ekonomické prognózovanie = Journal of Economics : Journal for Economic Theory, Economic Policy, Social and Economic Forecasting. - Bratislava : Ekonomický ústav SAV : Prognostický ústav SAV, 2023. - ISSN 0013-3035. - Roč. 71, č. 6-7 (2023), s. 428-457. [JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda (34%) - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana (33%) - ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea

Impact of Industry 4.0 Phenomenon on Development of Wood Processing Industry / Andrea Čambalíková. - VEGA 1/0375/20. In: Crisis Management and Safety Foresight in Forest-Based Sector and SMEs Operating in the Global Environment [elektronický zdroj] : Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, Trnava, Slovakia, Jun 8th – 10th 2022. - Zagreb : WoodEMA - International Association for Economics, Management, Marketing, Quality and Human Resources in Forestry and Forest Based Industry, 2022. - ISBN 978-953-8446-00-9. - Pp. 67-72. [ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea (100%)]

Selected Modern Management Trends and Their Application by Companies in the Wood Processing Industry in Slovakia / Andrea Čambalíková. - VEGA 1/0375/20. In: The Response of the Forest-Based Sector to Changes in the Global Economy [elektronický zdroj] : Proceedings / Editor-in-Chief: Matej Jošt. - Zagreb ; Ljubljana : WoodEMA, i.a. : University of Ljubljana, 2021. - ISBN 978-961-6144-41-4. - Pp. 11-16. [ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea (100%)]

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

SZABO, Ľuboslav - ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea. Moderné trendy v manažmente a ich uplatňovanie v podnikoch na Slovensku. Recenzovali: Miroslav Grznár, Miroslav Majtán. 1. vyd. Brno : Tribun EU, 2017. 143 s. [7,8 AH]. VEGA 1/0109/17. ISBN 978-80-263-1365-6. ZAGORŠEKOVÁ, Natália - ČIEFOVÁ, Michaela - ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea. Competitiveness and Economic Growth in the European Union. - Registrovaný: Scopus. In Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. - Craiova : ASERS Publishing. ISSN 2068-696X, 2017, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 2408-2418 online. I-17-107-00.

Factors Supporting the Job Satisfaction of the Middle Healthcare Management - The Role of Work Conditions, Managerial Competencies and Social Support / Nadežda Jankelová, Zuzana Joniaková, Andrea Čambalíková. - VEGA 1/0010/23 (50%), KEGA 001EU-4/2021 (50%). In: Ekonomický časopis : časopis pre ekonomickú teóriu, hospodársku politiku, spoločensko-ekonomické prognózovanie = Journal of Economics : Journal for Economic Theory, Economic Policy, Social and Economic Forecasting. - Bratislava : Ekonomický ústav SAV : Prognostický ústav SAV, 2023. - ISSN 0013-3035. - Roč. 71, č. 6-7 (2023), s. 428-457. [JANKELOVÁ, Nadežda (34%) - JONIAKOVÁ, Zuzana (33%) - ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea

Impact of Industry 4.0 Phenomenon on Development of Wood Processing Industry / Andrea Čambalíková. - VEGA 1/0375/20. In: Crisis Management and Safety Foresight in Forest-Based Sector and SMEs Operating in the Global Environment [elektronický zdroj] : Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, Trnava, Slovakia, Jun 8th – 10th 2022. - Zagreb : WoodEMA - International Association for Economics, Management, Marketing, Quality and Human Resources in Forestry and Forest Based Industry, 2022. - ISBN 978-953-8446-00-9. - Pp. 67-72. [ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea (100%)]

Selected Modern Management Trends and Their Application by Companies in the Wood Processing Industry in Slovakia / Andrea Čambalíková. - VEGA 1/0375/20. In: The Response of the Forest-Based Sector to Changes in the Global Economy [elektronický zdroj] : Proceedings / Editor-in-Chief: Matej Jošt. - Zagreb ; Ljubljana : WoodEMA, i.a. : University of Ljubljana, 2021. - ISBN 978-961-6144-41-4. - Pp. 11-16. [ČAMBALÍKOVÁ, Andrea (100%)]

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

VEGA 1/0375/20- member of the research team

VEGA 1/0135/17- member of the research team

VEGA 1/0017/20- member of the research team

VEGA 1/0010/23 - member of the research team

I-20-103-00 - member of the research team

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

VEGA 1/0375/20- member of the research team

VEGA 1/0135/17- member of the research team

VEGA 1/0017/20- member of the research team

VEGA 1/0010/23 - member of the research team

I-20-103-00 - member of the research team

Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

AIS coordinator of Department of Management
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Management

Student Scientific Activity - member of the commission
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Management

EDAMBA conference - member of the commission
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Management

Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

University of Complutense in Madrid, Av. Séneca, 2, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Erasmus+ study programme